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XlRemoveDocInfoType Enumeration

Specifies the type information to be removed from the document information.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Excel 2007


Name Value Description
xlRDIAll 99 Removes all documentation information.
xlRDIComments 1 Removes comments from the document information.
xlRDIContentType 16 Removes content type data from the document information.
xlRDIDefinedNameComments 18 Removes defined nameauthor="telias" time="20060816T160514-0800" data="s" comments from the documentation information.
xlRDIDocumentManagementPolicy 15 Removes document management policy data from the document information.
xlRDIDocumentProperties 8 Removes document properties from the document information.
xlRDIDocumentServerProperties 14 Removes server properties from the document information.
xlRDIDocumentWorkspace 10 Removes workspace data from the document information.
xlRDIEmailHeader 5 Removes email headers from the document information.
xlRDIInactiveDataConnections 19 Removes inactive data connection data from the document information.
xlRDIInkAnnotations 11 Removes ink annotations from the document information.
xlRDIPublishInfo 13 Removes the pubish information data from the document information.
xlRDIRemovePersonalInformation 4 Removes personal information from the document information.
xlRDIRoutingSlip 6 Removes routing slip information from the document information.
xlRDIScenarioComments 12 Removes scenario comments from the document information.
xlRDISendForReview 7 Removes the send for review information from the document information.