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allowedTasks Element

Contains the Microsoft Biztalk Server 2004 Human Workflow Services (HWS) tasks enabled for the form.



Child Elements

Element Description
task Contains the information for an individual task.




  <xsd:element name="allowedTasks">
      <xsd:element ref="xsf:task" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="20"/>
  <xsd:unique name="hws_taskID_unique">
    <xsd:selector xpath="./xsf:task"/>
    <xsd:field xpath="@taskTypeID"/>


The allowedTasks element is an optional element of the hwsWorkflow element.

Each task to be enabled for the form must have a corresponding task element in the allowedTasks section of the form definition file (.xsf).

Note   If this element or attribute is in the form definition file (.xsf), InfoPath Forms Services will prevent the form template from being deployed to the server as a browser-compatible form.


The following is an example of the allowedTasks element:

  <xsf:hwsWorkflow taskpaneVisible="yes">
   <xsf:location url="" />
      <xsf:action name="approval" actionTypeID="123" 
         canInitiateWorkflow="yes" caption="Get Approval" />
      <xsf:action name="delegate" actionTypeID="234"   
         canInitiateWorkflow="no" caption="Delegate" />
      <xsf:task name="getManagerApproval" taskTypeID="435" 
         caption="Send Response" />
      <xsf:task name="getVPApproval" taskTypeID="436"  
         caption ="Send Response" />
      <xsf:task name="delegateToManager" taskTypeID="420" 
         caption="Respond" />

<xsf:hwsAdapter name="Start Approval"
wsdlUrl="" submitAllowed="yes" queryAllowed="no"> <xsf:hwsOperation type="addActionToNewActivityFlow" typeID="{guid}" serviceUrl=""> <xsf:input source="HWSMessage1.xml"> <xsf:partFragment match="/ns1:HWSMessage/ActionSection/param1" replaceWith="/my:myFields/my:param1" /> <xsf:partFragment match="/ns1:HWSMessage/ActionSection/param2" replaceWith="/a:some/b:thing" dataObject="Aux1"/> </xsf:input> </xsf:hwsOperation> </xsf:hwsAdapter>