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attributeData Element

Specifies the name, and associated value, of an attribute that will be inserted, or modified if it already exists, by the insert action of the xCollection or xOptional editing components.




Name Description
attribute (Required attribute) Specifies the name of the attribute to be inserted.
value (Required attribute) Specifies the value of the attribute to be inserted.


The attributeData element is an optional element of the chooseFragment element.

Note   If this element or attribute is in the form definition file (.xsf), InfoPath Forms Services will prevent the form template from being deployed to the server as a browser-compatible form.


The following is an example of the attributeData element:

  <xsf:editWith component="xOptional">
      <xsf:chooseFragment parent="report">
         <xsf:attributeData attribute="author" value="author name"/>