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MsoAnimateByLevel Enumeration

Specifies for charts, diagrams, or text, the level to which the animation effect will be applied. The default value is msoAnimationLevelNone.

Version Information
 Version Added:  PowerPoint 2007

Name Value Description
msoAnimateChartAllAtOnce 7 Animate chart all at once
msoAnimateChartByCategory 8 Animate chart by category
msoAnimateChartByCategoryElements 9 Animate chart by category elements
msoAnimateChartBySeries 10 Animate chart by series
msoAnimateChartBySeriesElements 11 Animate chart by series elements
msoAnimateDiagramAllAtOnce 12 Animate diagram all at once
msoAnimateDiagramBreadthByLevel 16 Animate diagram breadth by level
msoAnimateDiagramBreadthByNode 15 Animate diagram breadth by node
msoAnimateDiagramClockwise 17 Animate diagram clockwise
msoAnimateDiagramClockwiseIn 18 Animate diagram clockwise in
msoAnimateDiagramClockwiseOut 19 Animate diagram clockwise out
msoAnimateDiagramCounterClockwise 20 Animate diagram counter-clockwise
msoAnimateDiagramCounterClockwiseIn 21 Animate diagram counter-clockwise in
msoAnimateDiagramCounterClockwiseOut 22 Animate diagram counter-clockwise out
msoAnimateDiagramDepthByBranch 14 Animate diagram depth by branch
msoAnimateDiagramDepthByNode 13 Animate diagram depth by node
msoAnimateDiagramDown 26 Animate diagram down
msoAnimateDiagramInByRing 23 Animate diagram in by ring
msoAnimateDiagramOutByRing 24 Animate diagram out by ring
msoAnimateDiagramUp 25 Animate diagram up
msoAnimateLevelMixed -1 Animate level mixed
msoAnimateLevelNone 0 Animate level none
msoAnimateTextByAllLevels 1 Animate text by all levels
msoAnimateTextByFifthLevel 6 Animate text by fifth level
msoAnimateTextByFirstLevel 2 Animate text by first level
msoAnimateTextByFourthLevel 5 Animate text by fourth level
msoAnimateTextBySecondLevel 3 Animate text by second level
msoAnimateTextByThirdLevel 4 Animate text by third level