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Slide.PublishSlides Method

PowerPoint Developer Reference

Publishes the specified slide to the specified location.


expression.PublishSlides(SlideLibraryUrl, Overwrite, UseSlideOrder)

expression   An expression that returns a Slide object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
SlideLibraryUrl Required String The URL to which to publish the slide library.
Overwrite Optional Boolean Whether to overwrite existing content at SlideLibraryURL. The default is False.
UseSlideOrder Optional Boolean Whether to use the existing slide order. The default is False.

Return Value


The following example shows how to publish slide one in the active presentation to a specific URL. Before running this code, substitute a valid URL for myURL.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Public Sub PublishSlides_Example()
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Set pptSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
pptSlide.PublishSlides ("http://<em>myURL</em>")

End Sub

See Also