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Marketing Campaign Object

Outlook Developer Reference
Marketing Campaign Object

The Marketing Campaign object represents information that can assist with customer attraction and retention, and relationship-building activities.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007


Business Contact Manager for Outlook


By using the Outlook object model, you can programmatically:

  • Create a new Marketing Campaign.
  • Select an existing Marketing Campaign.
  • Edit Marketing Campaign properties.
  • Delete a Marketing Campaign.

The Marketing Campaigns folder contains Marketing Campaign records.


The following C# and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) examples show how to create a new object instance of type IPM.Task.BCM.Campaign.

Outlook.TaskItem taskItem = (Outlook.TaskItem)mktgCampFolder.Items.Add("IPM.Task.BCM.Campaign");
Visual Basic for Applications
Set newMarketingCampaign = bcmCampaignsFldr.Items.Add("IPM.Task.BCM.Campaign")

User Properties (Business Contact Manager only)

Actual Cost, Budgeted Cost, Campaign Code, Campaign Type, Content File, Created By, Delivery Method, Executed, Modified By, Recipient Count, Recipient List XML

Parent Objects

TaskItem Object

For more information, see the Outlook 2007 Developer Reference by going to the MSDN Office Developer Center Web site.

See Also

Create a Marketing Campaign | Select a Marketing Campaign | Edit a Marketing Campaign | Delete a Marketing Campaign