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_ContactItem Members

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This is a primary interface in a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. Use this primary interface only when the method you want to use shares the same name as an event of the COM object; in this case, cast to this interface to call the method, and cast to the latest events interface to connect to the event. Otherwise, use the .NET interface that is derived from the COM coclass to access methods, properties, and events of the COM object. For information about the COM object, see ContactItem.

The _ContactItem type exposes the following members.





Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the account for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an Actions collection that represents all the available actions for the item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a Date indicating the anniversary date for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an Application object that represents the parent Outlook application for the object. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the name of the person who is the assistant for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the telephone number of the person who is the assistant for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an Attachments object that represents all the attachments for the specified item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a Boolean (bool in C#) that determines if the item is a winner of an automatic conflict resolution. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the billing information associated with the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Date indicating the birthday for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the clear-text body of the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the second business telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the whole, unparsed business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the city name portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the country/region code portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the postal code (zip code) portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the post office box number portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the state code portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the street address portion of the business address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) that represents the XML markup for the layout of the Electronic Business Card. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an OlBusinessCardType constant that specifies the type of Electronic Business Card used by this contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the business fax number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the URL of the business Web page for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the first business telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the callback telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the car telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the categories assigned to the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the names of the children of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the names of the companies associated with the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the concatenated company name and full name for the contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with no space between the last and first names. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the company name for the contact followed by the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name with spaces between the last, first, and middle names. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the company main telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the company name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the name of the computer network for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Return the Conflicts object that represents the items that are in conflict for any Outlook item object. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the index of the conversation thread of the Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the topic of the conversation thread of the Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a Date indicating the creation time for the Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the customer ID for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the department name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a constant that belongs to the OlDownloadState enumeration indicating the download state of the item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the e-mail address of the first e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the first e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the display name of the first e-mail address for the contact. Read-write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the entry ID of the first e-mail address for the contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the e-mail address of the second e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the second e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the display name of the second e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the entry ID of the second e-mail entry for the contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the e-mail address of the third e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the address type (such as EX or SMTP) of the third e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the display name of the third e-mail entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the entry ID of the third e-mail entry for the contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the unique Entry ID of the object. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the default keyword string assigned to the contact when it is filed. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the first name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns the FormDescription object that represents the form description for the specified Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the FTP site entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the whole, unparsed full name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the full name and company of the contact by concatenating the values of the FullName and CompanyName properties. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets an OlGender constant indicating the gender of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an Inspector object that represents an inspector initialized to contain the specified item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the government ID number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns True if a Contacts item has a picture associated with it. Read-only

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the hobby for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the second home telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the full, unparsed text of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the city portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the country/region portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the postal code portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) the post office box number portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the state portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the street portion of the home address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the home fax number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the first home telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) that represents a contact's Microsoft Instant Messenger address. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets an OlImportance constant indicating the relative importance level for the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the initials for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String corresponding to the Address box on the Details tab for a contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a Boolean (bool in C#) that determines if the item is in conflict. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the ISDN number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a Boolean value (bool in C#) that indicates whether the ContactItem is marked as a task. Read-only.

Public property


Returns an ItemProperties collection that represents all standard and user-defined properties associated with the Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the job title for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a Boolean (bool in C#) that indicates True if the transaction of the contact will be journalized. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) that represents the language in which the contact writes messages. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the last name, first name, middle name, and suffix of the contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with no space between the last name and the first name. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) that contains the last name, first name, and suffix of the user without a space. Read-only

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with no space between the last name and the first name. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with spaces between them. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the concatenated last name, first name, and middle name of the contact with spaces between them. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a Date specifying the date and time that the Outlook item was last modified. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the last name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) representing the concatenated last name and first name for the contact. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a Links collection that represents the contacts to which the item is linked. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the full, unparsed selected mailing address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the city name portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the country/region code portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the postal code (zip code) portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the post office box number portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the state code portion for the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the street address portion of the selected mailing address of the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the manager name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


This object, member, or enumeration is deprecated and is not intended to be used in your code.

Public property


Returns or sets an OlRemoteStatus constant that determines the status of an item once it is received by a remote user. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the message class for the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the middle name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the mileage for an item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the mobile telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the user's Microsoft NetMeeting ID, or alias. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the name of the Microsoft NetMeeting server being used for an online meeting. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the nickname for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Boolean value (bool in C#) that is True to not age the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the specific office location (for example, Building 1 Room 1 or Suite 123) for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the organizational ID number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the city portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the country/region portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the postal code portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the post office box portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the state portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the street portion of the other address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the other fax number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the other telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns an Integer (int in C#) value representing the build number of the Outlook application for an Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns a String (string in C#) indicating the major and minor version number of the Outlook application for an Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the pager number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns the parent Object of the specified object. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) representing the URL of the personal Web page for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the primary telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the profession for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a PropertyAccessor object that supports creating, getting, setting, and deleting properties of the parent ContactItem object. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the radio telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the referral name entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Boolean value (bool in C#) that is True if the reminder overrides the default reminder behavior for the item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Boolean (bool in C#) value that is True if the reminder should play a sound when it occurs for this item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Boolean value (bool in C#) that is True if a reminder has been set for this item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Date indicating the date and time at which the reminder should occur for the specified item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns a Boolean value (bool in C#) that is True if the Outlook item has not been modified since the last save. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets an OlMailingAddress constant indicating the type of the mailing address for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a constant in the OlSensitivity enumeration indicating the sensitivity for the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns the NameSpace object for the current session. Read-only.

Public property


Returns an Integer (int in C#) value indicating the size (in bytes) of the Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the spouse name entry for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the subject for the Outlook item. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the name suffix (such as Jr., III, or Ph.D.) for the specified contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a DateTime value that represents the completion date of the task for this ContactItem. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a DateTime value that represents the due date of the task for this ContactItem. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a DateTime value that represents the start date of the task for this ContactItem object. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) value that represents the subject of the task for the ContactItem object. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the telex number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the title for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a DateTime value that represents the ordinal value of the task for the ContactItem. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the TTY/TDD telephone number for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a Boolean value (bool in C#) that is True if the Outlook item has not been opened (read). Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the first field on the Contacts form intended for miscellaneous use for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the second field on the Contacts form intended for miscellaneous use for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the third field on the Contacts form intended for miscellaneous use for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) specifying the fourth field on the Contacts form intended for miscellaneous use for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


This object, member, or enumeration is deprecated and is not intended to be used in your code.

Public property


Returns the UserProperties collection that represents all the user properties for the Outlook item. Read-only.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the URL of the Web page for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the Japanese phonetic rendering (yomigana) of the company name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the Japanese phonetic rendering (yomigana) of the first name for the contact. Read/write.

Public property


Returns or sets a String (string in C#) indicating the Japanese phonetic rendering (yomigana) of the last name for the contact. Read/write.






Public method


Adds a logo picture to the current Electronic Business Card of the contact item.

Public method


Adds a picture to a contact item.

Public method


Clears the ContactItem object as a task.

Public method


Closes and optionally saves changes to the Outlook item.

Public method


Creates another instance of an object.

Public method


Deletes an object from the collection.

Public method


Displays a new Inspector object for the item.

Public method


Creates a new MailItem object containing contact information and, optionally, an Electronic Business Card (EBC) image based on the specified ContactItem object.

Public method


Creates a MailItem and attaches the contact information in vCard format.

Public method


Marks a ContactItem object as a task and assigns a task interval for the object.

Public method


Moves a Microsoft Outlook item to a new folder.

Public method


Prints the Outlook item using all default settings.The PrintOut method is the only Outlook method that can be used for printing.

Public method


Removes a picture from a Contacts item.

Public method


Resets the Electronic Business Card on the contact item to the default business card, deleting any custom layout and logo on the Electronic Business Card.

Public method


Saves the Microsoft Outlook item to the current folder or, if this is a new item, to the Outlook default folder for the item type.

Public method


Saves the Microsoft Outlook item to the specified path and in the format of the specified file type. If the file type is not specified, the MSG format (.msg) is used.

Public method


Saves an image of the business card generated from the specified ContactItem object.

Public method


Displays the electronic business card (EBC) editor dialog box for the ContactItem object.

Public method


Displays the Show Categories dialog box, which allows you to select categories that correspond to the subject of the item.

Public method


Displays the Check Phone Number dialog box for a specified telephone number contained by a ContactItem object.


See Also


_ContactItem Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Namespace