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Yields the processor to other tasks in the system and checks whether the user has pressed ESC to cancel a macro. If the user has pressed ESC during a workbook recalculation, it can also be detected from within a worksheet function by calling this function.

Excel12(xlAbort, LPXLOPER12 pxRes, 1, LPXLOPER12 pxRetain);


pxRetain (xltypeBool)

(Optional). If FALSE, this function checks for the break condition and clears any pending break. This enables the user to continue despite the break condition. If this argument is omitted or is TRUE, the function checks for a user abort without clearing it.

Property Value/Return Value

Returns TRUE (xltypeBool) if the user has pressed ESC.


Frequent Calls May Be Needed

Functions and commands that could take a long time should call this function frequently to yield the processor to other tasks in the system.

Avoid Sensitive Language

Avoid using the term "Abort" in your user interface. Consider using "Cancel," "Halt," "Break," or "Stop" instead.


The following code repeatedly moves the active cell on a sheet until one minute has elapsed or until the user presses ESC. It calls the function xlAbort occasionally. This yields the processor, easing cooperative multitasking.


int WINAPI fDance(void)
   DWORD dtickStart;
   XLOPER12 xAbort, xConfirm;
   int boolSheet;
   int col=0;
   XCHAR rgch[32];

// Check what kind of sheet is active. If it is a worksheet or macro
// sheet, this function will move the selection in a loop to show
// activity. In any case, it will update the status bar with a countdown.
// Call xlSheetId; if that fails the current sheet is not a macro sheet or
// worksheet. Next, get the time at which to start. Then start a while
// loop that will run for one minute. During the while loop, check if the
// user has pressed ESC. If true, confirm the abort. If the abort is
// confirmed, clear the message bar and return; if the abort is not
// confirmed, clear the abort state and continue. After checking for an
// abort, move the active cell if on a worksheet or macro. Then
// update the status bar with the time remaining.
// This block uses TempActiveCell12(), which creates a temporary XLOPER12.
// The XLOPER12 contains a reference to a single cell on the active sheet.
// This function is part of the framework library.

   boolSheet = (Excel12f(xlSheetId, 0, 0) == xlretSuccess);

   dtickStart = GetTickCount();

   while (GetTickCount() < dtickStart + 60000L)
      Excel12f(xlAbort, &xAbort, 0);
      if (xAbort.val.xbool)
         Excel12f(xlcAlert, &xConfirm, 2,
           TempStr12(L"Are you sure you want to cancel this operation?"),
         if (xConfirm.val.xbool)
            Excel12f(xlcMessage, 0, 1, TempBool12(0));
            return 1;
            Excel12f(xlAbort, 0, 1, TempBool12(0));

      if (boolSheet)
         Excel12f(xlcSelect, 0, 1,
         col = (col + 1) & 3;

         (60000 + dtickStart - GetTickCount()) / 1000L);

      Excel12f(xlcMessage, 0, 2, TempBool12(1), TempStr12(rgch));

   Excel12f(xlcMessage, 0, 1, TempBool12(0));
   return 1;

See Also


C API Functions That Can Be Called Only from a DLL or XLL