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Excel 2007 XLL SDK API Function Reference

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The Microsoft Office Excel 2007 XLL Software Development Kit contains source files for a Framework library that is designed to speed up the writing of XLLs, and three sample projects, Example, Generic, and Stock.

This section provides a function reference for the following:

  • Excel callbacks that the XLL can call.

  • XLL callbacks that Microsoft Office Excel looks for.

  • Key functions in the sample and framework projects.

Sample Projects

The Excel 2007 XLL Software Development Kit provides source files and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 project files for the following sample projects:

  • The Framework project (SAMPLES\FRAMEWRK\) contains a project that can be built to a library, FRAMEWRK.lib, which can then be linked into other XLL projects. The library contains many functions and tools that make writing XLLs easier. This library is used in both of the other projects in conjunction with the header file FRAMEWRK.h.

  • The Example project (SAMPLES\EXAMPLE\) contains a project that can be built to an XLL, EXAMPLE.xll. The XLL contains many examples of the use of the Framework library, and example implementations of the XLL add-in interface functions such as xlAutoOpen.

  • The Generic project (SAMPLES\GENERIC\) contains a project that can be built to an XLL, GENERIC.xll. The XLL demonstrates several example functions and commands and is a good starting point for writing your own XLLs.

  • The Stock project (SAMPLES\STOCK\) contains a project that can be built to an XLL, STOCK.xll. It also contains an Excel 2007 XLAM Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro add-in, STOCK.xlam. The XLL contains functions for the remote polling of data from an imaginary stock price service. The XLAM demonstrates a number of new Excel 2007 features and code that demonstrates the XLL's capabilities.

In This Section

Add-in Manager and XLL Interface Functions

C API Callback Functions Excel4, Excel12

Essential and Useful C API XLM Functions

C API Functions That Can Be Called Only from a DLL or XLL

Functions in the Framework Library

Functions in the Generic DLL

Functions in the Stock Web Service DLL

See Also


Programming with the C API in Excel 2007

Developing Excel 2007 XLLs