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When a modal dialog box is displayed over the Microsoft Office Excel window, the cursor is a busy cursor over the Excel window. This WndProc traps WM_SETCURSOR type Windows messages and changes the cursor back to a normal arrow.
LRESULT CALLBACK ExcelCursorProc(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
hWndDlg (HWND)
Contains the HWND Windows handle of the dialog box.
message (UINT)
The message to respond to.
wParam (WPARAM)
lParam (LPARAM)
Arguments passed by Windows.
Property Value/Return Value
LRESULT: 0 if the message was handled, otherwise the result returned by the default WndProc.
See \SAMPLES\GENERIC\GENERIC.C for the source code for this function.