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Added by Microsoft Office Excel whenever the user activates the XLL during an Excel session by using the Add-In Manager. This function is not called when Excel starts up and loads a pre-installed add-in.

This function can be used to display a custom dialog box that tells the user that the add-in has been activated, or to read from or write to the registry, or check licensing information, for example.

Excel does not require an XLL to implement and export this function.

int WINAPI xlAutoAdd(void);


This function takes no arguments.

Property Value/Return Value

Your implementation of this function should return 1. (int).


Use this function if there is anything your XLL needs to do when it is added by the Add-In Manager.


See \SAMPLES\EXAMPLE\EXAMPLE.C and \SAMPLES\GENERIC\GENERIC.C for example implementations of this function. The following code is from \SAMPLES\EXAMPLE\EXAMPLE.C.

int WINAPI xlAutoAdd(void)
    XCHAR szBuf[255];

    wsprintfW((LPWSTR)szBuf, L"Thank you for adding Example.XLL\n"
            L"build date %hs, time %hs",__DATE__, __TIME__);

/* Display a dialog indicating that the XLL was successfully added */
    Excel12f(xlcAlert, 0, 2, TempStr12(szBuf), TempInt12(2));
    return 1;

See Also




Add-in Manager and XLL Interface Functions