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Manages access to accounts and sets up notifications about account changes.

Quick Info

Inherits from: IOlkErrorUnknown
Implemented by: Outlook
Provided by: CLSID_OlkAccountManager
Called by: Client
Interface identifier: IID_IOlkAccountManager

Vtable Order

Init Initializes the account manager for use.
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
FindAccount Finds an account by property value.
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
DeleteAccount Deletes the specified account.
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
SaveChanges Saves changes to the specified account.
GetOrder Gets the ordering of the specified category of accounts.
SetOrder Modifies the ordering of the specified category of accounts.
EnumerateAccounts Gets an enumerator for the accounts of the specific category and type.
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
FreeMemory Frees memory allocated by the IOlkAccountManager interface.
Advise Registers an account for notifications sent by the account manager.
Unadvise Unregisters an account for notifications sent by the account manager.
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented
Placeholder member Not supported or documented

See Also

About the Account Management API