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Returns the account stamp of the account that delivered the message.

Quick Info

Exposed on: IMessage objects in the message store
Created by: Message store providers
Accessed by: Outlook
Property type: PT_STRING8 or PT_UNICODE
Access type: Read/write


This property should contain the same value that is returned from the Account Management API property PROP_ACCT_STAMP for the account that delivered the message.

Message store providers expose this named property and dispidInetAcctName so that:

  • When a user clicks Reply to All in an e-mail message, Microsoft Office Outlook removes the e-mail address that is associated with the account and is stamped on the message from the recipient list of the reply. This behavior occurs unless this e-mail address is the sender of the original message.
  • By default, Outlook sends replies and forwarded messages through the account that is stamped on the original message.

Usually, the Outlook Protocol Manager delivers messages, and Outlook sets the dispidInetAcctName and dispidInetAcctStamp properties to indicate the account that delivered the message. However, if a message store is tightly coupled with a transport, the Outlook Protocol Manager does not deliver messages and Outlook cannot set these properties. In this scenario, Outlook calls the IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames function. If the message store provider wants to expose these named properties, it should implement IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames and return property tags through the output parameter lppPropTags. Outlook can then call the IMAPIProp::GetProps method by using these property tags, and the message store provider can return the account name and stamp of the desired account.

To support these named properties, store providers should expect Outlook to use IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames to obtain the property tag for this property. Outlook specifies the following values for the MAPINAMEID structure that corresponds to this named property, which is passed as part of the array pointed at by the input parameter lppPropNames of IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames.

lpGuid: PSETID_Common
ulKind: MNID_ID
Kind.lID: dispidInetAcctStamp

For the definitions of the PSETID_Common namespace and dispidInetAcctStamp, see Constants for the Account Management API. MNID_ID is defined in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) header file mapidefs.h.

See Also

About the Account Management API

Constants for the Account Management API