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Creates a compound entry identifier for an object, usually a message in a message store.

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications

  ULONG cbStoreRecordKey,
  LPBYTE pStoreRecordKey,


  • psession
    [in] Pointer to the session in use by the client application.

  • cbStoreRecordKey
    [in] Size, in bytes, of the record key of the message store holding the message or other object. If zero is passed in the cbStoreRecordKey parameter, the ppEID parameter points to a copy of the object's entry identifier.

  • pStoreRecordKey
    [in] Pointer to the record key of the message store that contains the message or other object.

  • cbMsgEID
    [in] Size, in bytes, of the entry identifier of the message or other object.

  • pMsgEID
    [in] Pointer to the entry identifier of the object.

  • pcbEID
    [out] Pointer to the size, in bytes, of the returned identifier.

  • ppEID
    [out] Pointer to a pointer to the returned entry identifier. If the value of the cbStoreRecordKey parameter is greater than zero, the ppEID parameter points to a pointer to the compound entry identifier that is created. If cbStoreRecordKey is zero, ppEID points to a pointer to a copy of the object's entry identifier.

Return Value



If the message or other object for which the compound entry identifier is being created resides in a message store, the identifier is created from the object's entry identifier and the store's record key. If the object is not in a store, that is, if the byte count for the store record key passed in cbStoreRecordKey is zero, the object's entry identifier is simply copied.

The HrComposeEID function enables applications to work with objects in multiple stores through the use of compound entry identifiers. An application can call the HrDecomposeEID function to split the compound entry identifier into its original constituents.

See Also


