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DataLabels Object

Word Developer Reference

A collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified series.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Word 2007


Each DataLabel object represents a data label for a point or trendline. For a series without definable points (such as an area series), the DataLabels collection contains a single data label.


Use the DataLabels method to return the DataLabels collection. The following example sets the number format for data labels on the first series of the first chart in the active document.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1)
    If .HasChart Then
        With Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
            .HasDataLabels = True
            .DataLabels.NumberFormat = "##.##"
        End With
    End If
End With

Use DataLabels(


), where


is the data label index number, to return a single DataLabel object. The following example sets the number format for the fifth data label in the first series of the first chart in the active document.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1)
    If .HasChart Then
        With Chart.SeriesCollection(1).DataLabels(5)
            .NumberFormat = "0.000"
        End With
    End If
End With

See Also