Welcome to the Outlook 2010 MAPI Reference
Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio
Welcome to the Microsoft Outlook 2010 Messaging API (MAPI) Reference, which provides the messaging architecture for Microsoft Outlook 2010. MAPI for Outlook 2010 provides a set of interfaces, functions, and other data types to facilitate the development of Outlook 2010 messaging applications. Applications and transports use MAPI to manipulate email data, to create email messages and the folders to store them in, and to support notifications of changes to existing MAPI-related data.
If you are new to developing solutions for Outlook, see Selecting an API or Technology for Developing Outlook Solutions to identify the APIs and technologies that are most appropriate for your needs.
Publish date of this reference: August, 2011
Getting Started with the Outlook 2010 MAPI Reference
Provides information about the various reference and conceptual resources in the Outlook 2010 MAPI Reference.MAPI Samples
Provides sample applications.MAPI Concepts
Provides a guide to understanding and programming with MAPI.MAPI Reference
Provides references to MAPI programming elements.
Outlook 2010 MAPI Reference Overview
Outlook 2010 Messaging API (MAPI) Reference Copyright Notice
Outlook 2010: MAPI Reference (Microsoft Download Center)