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ContentControl.Type Property (Word)

Returns or sets a WdContentControlType that represents the type for a content control. Read/write.


expression .Type

expression An expression that returns a ContentControl object.


You can use the Type property to change the type of a content control from one type to another. However, the ability to change the type of control depends on the original type and on the content inside the content control at the time of the change. All content controls can be changed to rich text or building block gallery type content controls because these types allow arbitrary content. For other types, if the content is valid for the type that you want to change to, then changing the type is allowed. Otherwise, the change is rejected, resulting in a run-time error.


The following example checks to see if the specified content control is a drop-down list box or a combo box, and if it is one of these two types, moves the last item in the list up, so that it becomes the first item in the list.

Dim objCC As ContentControl 
Dim objCL As ContentControlListEntry 
Dim intCount As Integer 
Set objCC = ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Item(3) 
If objCC.Type = wdContentControlComboBox Or _ 
 objCC.Type = wdContentControlDropdownList Then 
 Set objCL = objCC.DropdownListEntries.Item(objCC.DropdownListEntries.Count) 
 For intCount = 1 To objCC.DropdownListEntries.Count 
End If

See Also


ContentControl Object

ContentControl Object Members