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StopMacro Macro Action

You can use the StopMacro action to stop the currently running macro.


The StopMacro action doesn't have any arguments.


You typically use this action when a condition makes it necessary to stop the macro. You can use a conditional expression in the macro's action row that contains this action. When the expression evaluates to True (–1), Microsoft Access stops the macro.

For example, you might create a macro that opens a form showing the daily order totals for the date entered in a custom dialog box. You could use a conditional expression to be sure that the Order Date control on the dialog box contains a valid date. If it doesn't, the MessageBox action can display an error message and the StopMacro action can stop the macro.

If the macro has used the Echo or SetWarnings actions to turn echo or the display of system messages off, the StopMacro action automatically turns them back on.

This action isn't available in a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module.


The following macro demonstrates the use of the OnError action. In this example, the OnError action specifies that Access run a custom error handling macro named ErrorHandler when an error occurs. When an error occurs, the CatchErrors submacro is called. If the error number is 2102, a specific message is displayed and macro execution is halted. Otherwise, a message describing the error is displayed and the macro is paused so that you can perform additional troubleshooting. The ErrorHandler macro displays a message box that refers to the MacroError object to display information about the error.

Sample code provided by: Access 2010 Programmers Reference book cover The Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference | About the Contributors

/* MACRO: mcrThrowErrors                                  */
/* PURPOSE: Error handling using macros in Access 2010    */

    Go to Macro Name
    Macro Name CatchErrors

    Form Name frmSamples
    View Form
    Filter Name
    Where Condition
    Data Mode
    Window Mode Normal

    Message This message appears after the OpenForm action
    Beep Yes
    Type None

/* SUBMACRO: CatchErrors                                   */

SubMacro: CatchErrors
    If [MacroError].[Number]=2101 Then
            Message Cannot find the specified form!
            Beep Yes
            Type Critical

            Message =[MacroErro].[Description]
            Beep Yes
            Type None
            Title Unhandled Error

    End If

End SubMacro

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