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ActionSetting Object (PowerPoint)

Contains information about how the specified shape or text range reacts to mouse actions during a slide show.


The ActionSetting object is a member of the ActionSettings collection. The ActionSettings collection contains one ActionSetting object that represents how the specified object reacts when the user clicks it during a slide show and one ActionSetting object that represents how the specified object reacts when the user moves the mouse pointer over it during a slide show.

If you've set properties of the ActionSetting object that don't seem to be taking effect, make sure that you've set the Action property to the appropriate value.


Use ActionSettings(index), where index is the either ppMouseClick or ppMouseOver, to return a single ActionSetting object. The following example sets the mouse-click action for the text in the third shape on slide one in the active presentation to an Internet link.

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3) _ 
    .Action = ppActionHyperlink 
    .Hyperlink.Address = "" 
End With

See Also


PowerPoint Object Model Reference

ActionSetting Object Members