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PictureFormat.CropBottom Property (PowerPoint)

Returns or sets the number of points that are cropped off the bottom of the specified picture or OLE object. Read/write.


expression .CropBottom

expression A variable that represents a PictureFormat object.

Return Value



Cropping is calculated relative to the original size of the picture. For example, if you insert a picture that is originally 100 points high, rescale it so that it is 200 points high, and then set the CropBottom property to 50, 100 points (not 50) will be cropped off the bottom of your picture.


This example crops 20 points off the bottom of shape three on myDocument. For the example to work, shape three must be either a picture or an OLE object.

Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)

myDocument.Shapes(3).PictureFormat.CropBottom = 20

This example crops the percentage specified by the user off the bottom of the selected shape, regardless of whether the shape has been scaled. For the example to work, the selected shape must be either a picture or an OLE object.

percentToCrop = InputBox("What percentage do you " & _

    "want to crop off the bottom of this picture?")

Set shapeToCrop = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)

With shapeToCrop.Duplicate

    .ScaleHeight 1, True

    origHeight = .Height


End With

cropPoints = origHeight * percentToCrop / 100

shapeToCrop.PictureFormat.CropBottom = cropPoints

See Also


PictureFormat Object

PictureFormat Object Members