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TickLabels.Offset Property (Excel)

Returns or sets a Long value that represents the distance between the levels of labels, and the distance between the first level and the axis line.


expression .Offset

expression A variable that represents a TickLabels object.


The default distance is 100 percent, which represents the default spacing between the axis labels and the axis line. The value can be an integer percentage from 0 through 1000, relative to the axis label’s font size.


This example sets the label spacing of the category axis in Chart1 to twice the current setting, if the offset is less than 500.

With Charts("Chart1").Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels 
 If .Offset < 500 then 
 .Offset = .Offset * 2 
 End If 
End With

See Also


TickLabels Object

TickLabels Object Members