ListObject.QueryTable Property (Excel)
Returns the QueryTable object that provides a link for the ListObject object to the list server. Read-only.
expression .QueryTable
expression A variable that represents a ListObject object.
The following example creates a connection to a SharePoint site and publishes the ListObject object named List1 to the server. A reference to the QueryTable object for the list object is created and the MaintainConnection property of the QueryTable object is set to True so that the connection to the SharePoint site is maintained between trips to the server.
Dim wrksht As Worksheet
Dim objListObj As ListObject
Dim objQryTbl As QueryTable
Dim prpQryProp As pro
Dim arTarget(4) As String
Dim strSTSConnection As String
Set wrksht = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set objListObj = wrksht.ListObjects(1)
arTarget(0) = "0"
arTarget(1) = "http://myteam/project1"
arTarget(2) = "1"
arTarget(3) = "List1"
strSTSConnection = objListObj.Publish(arTarget, True)
Set objQryTbl = objListObj.QueryTable
objQryTbl.MaintainConnection = True