Built-in Dialog Box Argument Lists (Word)
Many of the built-in dialog boxes in Microsoft Office Word have options that you may want to set. To set or return the properties associated with a Word dialog box, use the equivalent Microsoft Visual Basic properties and methods. For example, if you want to print a document, use the Word Visual Basic for Applications PrintOut method. The following code prints the current document using the Print dialog box default settings. However, if you do not want to use the default setting in the print dialog, you can use the arguments associated with the PrintOut method.
Sub PrintCurrentDocument()
End Sub
Although you are encouraged to use VBA keywords to get or set the value of dialog box options, many of the built-in Word dialog boxes have arguments that you can also use to get or set values from a dialog box. For more information, see Displaying Built-in Word Dialog Boxes.
WdWordDialog constant |
Argument lists |
wdDialogConnect |
Drive , Path, Password |
wdDialogConsistencyChecker |
(none) |
wdDialogControlRun |
Application |
wdDialogConvertObject |
IconNumber , ActivateAs, IconFileName, Caption, Class, DisplayIcon, Floating |
wdDialogCopyFile |
FileName , Directory |
wdDialogCreateAutoText |
(none) |
wdDialogCSSLinks |
LinkStyles |
wdDialogDocumentStatistics |
FileName , Directory, Template, Title, Created, LastSaved, LastSavedBy, Revision, Time, Printed, Pages, Words, Characters, Paragraphs, Lines, FileSize |
wdDialogDrawAlign |
Horizontal , Vertical, RelativeTo |
wdDialogDrawSnapToGrid |
SnapToGrid , XGrid, YGrid, XOrigin, YOrigin, SnapToShapes, XGridDisplay, YGridDisplay, FollowMargins, ViewGridLines, DefineLineBasedOnGrid |
wdDialogEditAutoText |
Name , Context, InsertAs, Insert, Add, Define, InsertAsText, Delete, CompleteAT |
wdDialogEditCreatePublisher |
(For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) |
wdDialogEditFind |
Find , Replace, Direction, MatchCase, WholeWord, PatternMatch, SoundsLike, FindNext, ReplaceOne, ReplaceAll, Format, Wrap, FindAllWordForms, MatchByte, FuzzyFind, Destination, CorrectEnd, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl |
wdDialogEditFrame |
Wrap , WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame |
wdDialogEditGoTo |
Find , Replace, Direction, MatchCase, WholeWord, PatternMatch, SoundsLike, FindNext, ReplaceOne, ReplaceAll, Format, Wrap, FindAllWordForms, MatchByte, FuzzyFind, Destination, CorrectEnd, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl |
wdDialogEditGoToOld |
(none) |
wdDialogEditLinks |
UpdateMode , Locked, SavePictureInDoc, UpdateNow, OpenSource, KillLink, Link, Application, Item, FileName, PreserveFormatLinkUpdate |
wdDialogEditObject |
Verb |
wdDialogEditPasteSpecial |
IconNumber , Link, DisplayIcon, Class, DataType, IconFileName, Caption, Floating |
wdDialogEditPublishOptions |
(For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) |
wdDialogEditReplace |
Find , Replace, Direction, MatchCase, WholeWord, PatternMatch, SoundsLike, FindNext, ReplaceOne, ReplaceAll, Format, Wrap, FindAllWordForms, MatchByte, FuzzyFind, Destination, CorrectEnd, MatchKashida, MatchDiacritics, MatchAlefHamza, MatchControl |
wdDialogEditStyle |
(none) |
wdDialogEditSubscribeOptions |
(For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) |
wdDialogEditSubscribeTo |
(For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) |
wdDialogEditTOACategory |
Category , CategoryName |
wdDialogEmailOptions |
(none) |
wdDialogFileDocumentLayout |
Tab , PaperSize, TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, Gutter, PageWidth, PageHeight, Orientation, FirstPage, OtherPages, VertAlign, ApplyPropsTo, Default, FacingPages, HeaderDistance, FooterDistance, SectionStart, OddAndEvenPages, DifferentFirstPage, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode, TwoOnOne, GutterPosition, LayoutMode, CharsLine, LinesPage, CharPitch, LinePitch, DocFontName, DocFontSize, PageColumns, TextFlow, FirstPageOnLeft, SectionType, RTLAlignment |
wdDialogFileFind |
SearchName , SearchPath, Name, SubDir, Title, Author, Keywords, Subject, Options, MatchCase, Text, PatternMatch, DateSavedFrom, DateSavedTo, SavedBy, DateCreatedFrom, DateCreatedTo, View, SortBy, ListBy, SelectedFile, Add, Delete, ShowFolders, MatchByte |
wdDialogFileMacPageSetup |
(For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) |
wdDialogFileNew |
Template , NewTemplate, DocumentType, Visible |
wdDialogFileOpen |
Name , ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform |
wdDialogFilePageSetup |
Tab , PaperSize, TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, Gutter, PageWidth, PageHeight, Orientation, FirstPage, OtherPages, VertAlign, ApplyPropsTo, Default, FacingPages, HeaderDistance, FooterDistance, SectionStart, OddAndEvenPages, DifferentFirstPage, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode, TwoOnOne, GutterPosition, LayoutMode, CharsLine, LinesPage, CharPitch, LinePitch, DocFontName, DocFontSize, PageColumns, TextFlow, FirstPageOnLeft, SectionType, RTLAlignment, FolioPrint, ReverseFolio, FolioPages |
wdDialogFilePrint |
Background , AppendPrFile, Range, PrToFileName, From, To, Type, NumCopies, Pages, Order, PrintToFile, Collate, FileName, Printer, OutputPrinter, DuplexPrint, PrintZoomColumn, PrintZoomRow, PrintZoomPaperWidth, PrintZoomPaperHeight, ZoomPaper |
wdDialogFilePrintOneCopy |
(For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.) |
wdDialogFilePrintSetup |
Printer , Options, Network, DoNotSetAsSysDefault |
wdDialogFileRoutingSlip |
Subject , Message, AllAtOnce, ReturnWhenDone, TrackStatus, Protect, AddSlip, RouteDocument, AddRecipient, OldRecipient, ResetSlip, ClearSlip, ClearRecipients, Address |
wdDialogFileSaveAs |
Name , Format, LockAnnot, Password, AddToMru, WritePassword, RecommendReadOnly, EmbedFonts, NativePictureFormat, FormsData, SaveAsAOCELetter, WriteVersion, VersionDesc, InsertLineBreaks, AllowSubstitutions, LineEnding, AddBiDiMarks |
wdDialogFileSaveVersion |
(none) |
wdDialogFileSummaryInfo |
Title , Subject, Author, Keywords, Comments, FileName, Directory, Template, CreateDate, LastSavedDate, LastSavedBy, RevisionNumber, EditTime, LastPrintedDate, NumPages, NumWords, NumChars, NumParas, NumLines, Update, FileSize |
wdDialogFileVersions |
AutoVersion , VersionDesc |
wdDialogFitText |
FitTextWidth |
wdDialogFontSubstitution |
UnavailableFont , SubstituteFont |
wdDialogFormatAddrFonts |
Points , Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor |
wdDialogFormatBordersAndShading |
ApplyTo , Shadow, TopBorder, LeftBorder, BottomBorder, RightBorder, HorizBorder, VertBorder, TopColor, LeftColor, BottomColor, RightColor, HorizColor, VertColor, FromText, Shading, Foreground, Background, Tab, FineShading, TopStyle, LeftStyle, BottomStyle, RightStyle, HorizStyle, VertStyle, TopWeight, LeftWeight, BottomWeight, RightWeight, HorizWeight, VertWeight, BorderObjectType, BorderArtWeight, BorderArt, FromTextTop, FromTextBottom, FromTextLeft, FromTextRight, OffsetFrom, InFront, SurroundHeader, SurroundFooter, JoinBorder, LineColor, WhichPages, TL2BRBorder, TR2BLBorder, TL2BRColor, TR2BLColor, TL2BRStyle, TR2BLStyle, TL2BRWeight, TR2BLWeight, ForegroundRGB, BackgroundRGB, TopColorRGB, LeftColorRGB, BottomColorRGB, RightColorRGB, HorizColorRGB, VertColorRGB, TL2BRColorRGB, TR2BLColorRGB, LineColorRGB |
wdDialogFormatBulletsAndNumbering |
(none) |
wdDialogFormatCallout |
Type , Gap, Angle, Drop, Length, Border, AutoAttach, Accent |
wdDialogFormatChangeCase |
Type |
wdDialogFormatColumns |
Columns , ColumnNo, ColumnWidth, ColumnSpacing, EvenlySpaced, ApplyColsTo, ColLine, StartNewCol, FlowColumnsRtl |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleBorders |
ApplyTo , Shadow, TopBorder, LeftBorder, BottomBorder, RightBorder, HorizBorder, VertBorder, TopColor, LeftColor, BottomColor, RightColor, HorizColor, VertColor, FromText, Shading, Foreground, Background, Tab, FineShading, TopStyle, LeftStyle, BottomStyle, RightStyle, HorizStyle, VertStyle, TopWeight, LeftWeight, BottomWeight, RightWeight, HorizWeight, VertWeight, BorderObjectType, BorderArtWeight, BorderArt, FromTextTop, FromTextBottom, FromTextLeft, FromTextRight, OffsetFrom, InFront, SurroundHeader, SurroundFooter, JoinBorder, LineColor, WhichPages, TL2BRBorder, TR2BLBorder, TL2BRColor, TR2BLColor, TL2BRStyle, TR2BLStyle, TL2BRWeight, TR2BLWeight, ForegroundRGB, BackgroundRGB, TopColorRGB, LeftColorRGB, BottomColorRGB, RightColorRGB, HorizColorRGB, VertColorRGB, TL2BRColorRGB, TR2BLColorRGB, LineColorRGB |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleFont |
Points , Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleFrame |
Wrap , WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleLang |
Language , CheckLanguage, Default, NoProof |
wdDialogFormatDefineStylePara |
LeftIndent , RightIndent, Before, After, LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, Alignment, WidowControl, KeepWithNext, KeepTogether, PageBreak, NoLineNum, DontHyphen, Tab, FirstIndent, OutlineLevel, Kinsoku, WordWrap, OverflowPunct, TopLinePunct, AutoSpaceDE, LineHeightGrid, AutoSpaceDN, CharAlign, CharacterUnitLeftIndent, AdjustRight, CharacterUnitFirstIndent, CharacterUnitRightIndent, LineUnitBefore, LineUnitAfter, NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle, OrientationBi |
wdDialogFormatDefineStyleTabs |
Position , DefTabs, Align, Leader, Set, Clear, ClearAll |
wdDialogFormatDrawingObject |
Left , PositionHorzRel, Top, PositionVertRel, LockAnchor, FloatOverText, LayoutInCell, WrapSide, TopDistanceFromText, BottomDistanceFromText, LeftDistanceFromText, RightDistanceFromText, Wrap, WordWrap, AutoSize, HRWidthType, HRHeight, HRNoshade, HRAlign, Text, AllowOverlap, HorizRule |
wdDialogFormatDropCap |
Position , Font, DropHeight, DistFromText |
wdDialogFormatEncloseCharacters |
Style , Text, Enclosure |
wdDialogFormatFont |
Points , Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor |
wdDialogFormatFrame |
Wrap , WidthRule, FixedWidth, HeightRule, FixedHeight, PositionHorz, PositionHorzRel, DistFromText, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, DistVertFromText, MoveWithText, LockAnchor, RemoveFrame |
wdDialogFormatPageNumber |
ChapterNumber , NumRestart, NumFormat, StartingNum, Level, Separator, DoubleQuote, PgNumberingStyle |
wdDialogFormatParagraph |
LeftIndent , RightIndent, Before, After, LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, Alignment, WidowControl, KeepWithNext, KeepTogether, PageBreak, NoLineNum, DontHyphen, Tab, FirstIndent, OutlineLevel, Kinsoku, WordWrap, OverflowPunct, TopLinePunct, AutoSpaceDE, LineHeightGrid, AutoSpaceDN, CharAlign, CharacterUnitLeftIndent, AdjustRight, CharacterUnitFirstIndent, CharacterUnitRightIndent, LineUnitBefore, LineUnitAfter, NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle, OrientationBi |
wdDialogFormatPicture |
SetSize , CropLeft, CropRight, CropTop, CropBottom, ScaleX, ScaleY, SizeX, SizeY |
wdDialogFormatRetAddrFonts |
Points , Underline, Color, StrikeThrough, Superscript, Subscript, Hidden, SmallCaps, AllCaps, Spacing, Position, Kerning, KerningMin, Default, Tab, Font, Bold, Italic, DoubleStrikeThrough, Shadow, Outline, Emboss, Engrave, Scale, Animations, CharAccent, FontMajor, FontLowAnsi, FontHighAnsi, CharacterWidthGrid, ColorRGB, UnderlineColor, PointsBi, ColorBi, FontNameBi, BoldBi, ItalicBi, DiacColor |
wdDialogFormatSectionLayout |
SectionStart , VertAlign, Endnotes, LineNum, StartingNum, FromText, CountBy, NumMode, SectionType |
wdDialogFormatStyle |
Name , Delete, Merge, NewName, BasedOn, NextStyle, Type, FileName, Source, AddToTemplate, Define, Rename, Apply, New, Link |
wdDialogFormatStyleGallery |
Template , Preview |
wdDialogFormatStylesCustom |
(none) |
wdDialogFormatTabs |
Position , DefTabs, Align, Leader, Set, Clear, ClearAll |
wdDialogFormatTheme |
(none) |
wdDialogFormFieldHelp |
(none) |
wdDialogFormFieldOptions |
Entry , Exit, Name, Enable, TextType, TextWidth, TextDefault, TextFormat, CheckSize, CheckWidth, CheckDefault, Type, OwnHelp, HelpText, OwnStat, StatText, Calculate |
wdDialogFrameSetProperties |
(none) |
wdDialogHelpAbout |
wdDialogHelpWordPerfectHelp |
WPCommand , HelpText, DemoGuidance |
wdDialogHelpWordPerfectHelpOptions |
CommandKeyHelp , DocNavKeys, MouseSimulation, DemoGuidance, DemoSpeed, HelpType |
wdDialogHorizontalInVertical |
(none) |
wdDialogIMESetDefault |
(none) |
wdDialogInsertAddCaption |
Name |
wdDialogInsertAutoCaption |
Clear , ClearAll, Object, Label, Position |
wdDialogInsertBookmark |
Name , SortBy, Add, Delete, Goto, Hidden |
wdDialogInsertBreak |
Type |
wdDialogInsertCaption |
Label , TitleAutoText, Title, Delete, Position, AutoCaption, ExcludeLabel |
wdDialogInsertCaptionNumbering |
Label , FormatNumber, ChapterNumber, Level, Separator, CapNumberingStyle |
wdDialogInsertCrossReference |
ReferenceType , ReferenceKind, ReferenceItem, InsertAsHyperLink, InsertPosition, SeparateNumbers, SeparatorCharacters |
wdDialogInsertDatabase |
Format , Style, LinkToSource, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, DataSource, From, To, IncludeFields, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot |
wdDialogInsertDateTime |
DateTimePic , InsertAsField, DbCharField, DateLanguage, CalendarType |
wdDialogInsertField |
Field |
wdDialogInsertFile |
Name , Range, ConfirmConversions, Link, Attachment |
wdDialogInsertFootnote |
Reference , NoteType, Symbol, FootNumberAs, EndNumberAs, FootnotesAt, EndnotesAt, FootNumberingStyle, EndNumberingStyle, FootStartingNum, FootRestartNum, EndStartingNum, EndRestartNum, ApplyPropsTo |
wdDialogInsertFormField |
Entry , Exit, Name, Enable, TextType, TextWidth, TextDefault, TextFormat, CheckSize, CheckWidth, CheckDefault, Type, OwnHelp, HelpText, OwnStat, StatText, Calculate |
wdDialogInsertHyperlink |
(none) |
wdDialogInsertIndex |
Outline , Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel |
wdDialogInsertIndexAndTables |
Outline , Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel |
wdDialogInsertMergeField |
MergeField , WordField |
wdDialogInsertNumber |
NumPic |
wdDialogInsertObject |
IconNumber , FileName, Link, DisplayIcon, Tab, Class, IconFileName, Caption, Floating |
wdDialogInsertPageNumbers |
Type , Position, FirstPage |
wdDialogInsertPicture |
Name , LinkToFile, New, FloatOverText |
wdDialogInsertSubdocument |
Name , ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform |
wdDialogInsertSymbol |
Font , Tab, CharNum, CharNumLow, Unicode, Hint |
wdDialogInsertTableOfAuthorities |
Outline , Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel |
wdDialogInsertTableOfContents |
Outline , Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel |
wdDialogInsertTableOfFigures |
Outline , Fields, From, To, TableId, AddedStyles, Caption, HeadingSeparator, Replace, MarkEntry, AutoMark, MarkCitation, Type, RightAlignPageNumbers, Passim, KeepFormatting, Columns, Category, Label, ShowPageNumbers, AccentedLetters, Filter, SortBy, Leader, TOCUseHyperlinks, TOCHidePageNumInWeb, IndexLanguage, UseOutlineLevel |
wdDialogInsertWebComponent |
IconNumber , FileName, Link, DisplayIcon, Tab, Class, IconFileName, Caption, Floating |
wdDialogLetterWizard |
SenderCity , DateFormat, IncludeHeaderFooter, LetterStyle, Letterhead, LetterheadLocation, LetterheadSize, RecipientName, RecipientAddress, Salutation, SalutationType, RecipientGender, RecipientReference, MailingInstructions, AttentionLine, LetterSubject, CCList, SenderName, ReturnAddress, Closing, SenderJobTitle, SenderCompany, SenderInitials, EnclosureNumber, PageDesign, InfoBlock, SenderGender, ReturnAddressSF, RecipientCode, SenderCode, SenderReference |
wdDialogListCommands |
ListType |
wdDialogMailMerge |
CheckErrors , Destination, MergeRecords, From, To, Suppression, MailMerge, QueryOptions, MailSubject, MailAsAttachment, MailAddress |
wdDialogMailMergeCheck |
CheckErrors |
wdDialogMailMergeCreateDataSource |
FileName , PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, HeaderRecord, MSQuery, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Connection, LinkToSource, WritePasswordDoc |
wdDialogMailMergeCreateHeaderSource |
FileName , PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, HeaderRecord, MSQuery, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Connection, LinkToSource, WritePasswordDoc |
wdDialogMailMergeFieldMapping |
(none) |
wdDialogMailMergeFindRecipient |
(none) |
wdDialogMailMergeFindRecord |
Find , Field |
wdDialogMailMergeHelper |
Merge , Options |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertAddressBlock |
(none) |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertAsk |
Name , Prompt, DefaultBookmarkText, AskOnce |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertFields |
(none) |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertFillIn |
Prompt , DefaultFillInText, AskOnce |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertGreetingLine |
(none) |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertIf |
MergeField , Comparison, CompareTo, TrueAutoText, TrueText, FalseAutoText, FalseText |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertNextIf |
MergeField , Comparison, CompareTo |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertSet |
Name , ValueText, ValueAutoText |
wdDialogMailMergeInsertSkipIf |
MergeField , Comparison, CompareTo |
wdDialogMailMergeOpenDataSource |
Name , ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform |
wdDialogMailMergeOpenHeaderSource |
Name , ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, LinkToSource, AddToMru, PasswordDoc, PasswordDot, Revert, WritePasswordDoc, WritePasswordDot, Connection, SQLStatement, SQLStatement1, Format, Encoding, Visible, OpenExclusive, OpenAndRepair, SubType, DocumentDirection, NoEncodingDialog, XMLTransform |
wdDialogMailMergeQueryOptions |
SQLStatement , SQLStatement1 |
wdDialogMailMergeRecipients |
(none) |
wdDialogMailMergeSetDocumentType |
Type |
wdDialogMailMergeUseAddressBook |
AddressBookType |
wdDialogMarkCitation |
LongCitation , LongCitationAutoText, Category, ShortCitation, NextCitation, Mark, MarkAll |
wdDialogMarkIndexEntry |
MarkAll , Entry, Range, Bold, Italic, CrossReference, EntryAutoText, CrossReferenceAutoText, Yomi |
wdDialogMarkTableOfContentsEntry |
Entry , EntryAutoText, TableId, Level |
wdDialogNewToolbar |
Name , Context |
wdDialogNoteOptions |
FootnotesAt , FootNumberAs, FootStartingNum, FootRestartNum, EndnotesAt, EndNumberAs, EndStartingNum, EndRestartNum, FootNumberingStyle, EndNumberingStyle |
wdDialogOrganizer |
Copy , Delete, Rename, Source, Destination, Name, NewName, Tab |
wdDialogPhoneticGuide |
(none) |
wdDialogReviewAfmtRevisions |
(none) |
wdDialogSearch |
(none) |
wdDialogShowRepairs |
Name , SortBy, Add, Delete, GoTo, Hidden |
wdDialogTableAutoFormat |
HideAutoFit , Preview, Format, Borders, Shading, Font, Color, AutoFit, HeadingRows, FirstColumn, LastRow, LastColumn |
wdDialogTableCellOptions |
(none) |
wdDialogTableColumnWidth |
ColumnWidth , SpaceBetweenCols, PrevColumn, NextColumn, AutoFit, RulerStyle |
wdDialogTableDeleteCells |
ShiftCells |
wdDialogTableFormatCell |
Category |
wdDialogTableFormula |
Formula , NumFormat |
wdDialogTableInsertCells |
ShiftCells |
wdDialogTableInsertRow |
NumRows |
wdDialogTableInsertTable |
ConvertFrom , NumColumns, NumRows, InitialColWidth, Wizard, Format, Apply, AutoFit, SetDefault, Word8, Style |
wdDialogTableOfCaptionsOptions |
(none) |
wdDialogTableOfContentsOptions |
(none) |
wdDialogTableProperties |
TableDirection |
wdDialogTableRowHeight |
RulerStyle , LineSpacingRule, LineSpacing, LeftIndent, AllowRowSplit, Alignment, PrevRow, NextRow, TableDir |
wdDialogTableSort |
DontSortHdr , FieldNum, Type, Order, FieldNum2, Type2, Order2, FieldNum3, Type3, Order3, Separator, SortColumn, CaseSensitive, SortBiDi, IgnoreHe, Diacritics, IgnoreThe, Kashida, Language, UsingNum, UsingNum2, UsingNum3 |
wdDialogTableSplitCells |
NumColumns , NumRows, MergeBeforeSplit |
wdDialogTableTableOptions |
(none) |
wdDialogTableToText |
ConvertTo , NestedTables |
wdDialogTableWrapping |
PositionHorz , PositionHorzRel, PositionVert, PositionVertRel, TopDistanceFromText, BottomDistanceFromText, LeftDistanceFromText, RightDistanceFromText, MoveWithText, AllowOverlap, |
wdDialogTCSCTranslator |
Direction , Varients, TranslateCommon |
wdDialogTextToTable |
ConvertFrom , NumColumns, NumRows, InitialColWidth, Wizard, Format, Apply, AutoFit, SetDefault, Word8, Style |
wdDialogToolsAcceptRejectChanges |
ShowMarks , HideMarks, Wrap, FindPrevious, FindNext, AcceptRevisions, RejectRevisions, AcceptAll, RejectAll |
wdDialogToolsAdvancedSettings |
Application , Option, Setting, Delete, Set |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrect |
ShowFineTuner , CapTable, InWordMail, InitialCaps, SentenceCaps, Days, CapsLock, ReplaceText, Formatting, Replace, With, Add, Delete, SmartQuotes, CorrectHangulAndAlphabet, ConvBrackets, ConvQuotes, ConvPunct, ReplaceTextFromSpellingChecker |
wdDialogToolsAutoCorrectExceptions |
Tab , Name, AutoAdd, Add, Delete |
wdDialogToolsAutoManager |
Tab |
wdDialogToolsAutoSummarize |
TextSize , Show, Update |
wdDialogToolsBulletsNumbers |
Replace , Font, CharNum, Type, FormatOutline, AutoUpdate, FormatNumber, Punctuation, StartAt, Points, Hang, Indent, Remove, DoubleQuote |
wdDialogToolsCompareDocuments |
CompareDestination , DetectFormatting, IgnoreCompareWarn, UseFormatFrom, AddToMru, Merge, FilterPrivacy, FilterDateAndTime, Name, CompareAuthor |
wdDialogToolsCreateDirectory |
Directory |
wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope |
ExtractAddress , LabelListIndex, LabelIndex, LabelDotMatrix, LabelTray, LabelAcross, LabelDown, EnvAddress, EnvOmitReturn, EnvReturn, PrintBarCode, SingleLabel, LabelRow, LabelColumn, PrintEnvLabel, AddToDocument, EnvWidth, EnvHeight, EnvPaperSize, PrintFIMA, UseEnvFeeder, Tab, AddrAutoText, AddrText, AddrFromLeft, AddrFromTop, RetAddrFromLeft, RetAddrFromTop, LabelTopMargin, LabelSideMargin, LabelVertPitch, LabelHorPitch, LabelHeight, LabelWidth, CustomName, RetAddrText, EnvPaperName, DefaultFaceUp, DefaultOrientation, RetAddrAutoText, VerticalEnvelope, VerticalLabel, RecipientNamefromLeft, RecipientNamefromTop, RecipientPostalfromLeft, RecipientPostalfromTop, SenderNamefromLeft, SenderNamefromTop, SenderPostalfromLeft, SenderPostalfromTop, PrintEPostage, PrintEPostageLabel |
wdDialogToolsCreateLabels |
ExtractAddress , LabelListIndex, LabelIndex, LabelDotMatrix, LabelTray, LabelAcross, LabelDown, EnvAddress, EnvOmitReturn, EnvReturn, PrintBarCode, SingleLabel, LabelRow, LabelColumn, PrintEnvLabel, AddToDocument, EnvWidth, EnvHeight, EnvPaperSize, PrintFIMA, UseEnvFeeder, Tab, AddrAutoText, AddrText, AddrFromLeft, AddrFromTop, RetAddrFromLeft, RetAddrFromTop, LabelTopMargin, LabelSideMargin, LabelVertPitch, LabelHorPitch, LabelHeight, LabelWidth, CustomName, RetAddrText, EnvPaperName, DefaultFaceUp, DefaultOrientation, RetAddrAutoText, VerticalEnvelope, VerticalLabel, RecipientNamefromLeft, RecipientNamefromTop, RecipientPostalfromLeft, RecipientPostalfromTop, SenderNamefromLeft, SenderNamefromTop, SenderPostalfromLeft, SenderPostalfromTop, PrintEPostage, PrintEPostageLabel |
wdDialogToolsCustomize |
KeyCode , KeyCode2, MenuType, Position, AddAll, Category, Name, Menu, AddBelow, MenuText, Rename, Add, Remove, ResetAll, CommandValue, Context, Tab |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeKeyboard |
KeyCode , KeyCode2, MenuType, Position, AddAll, Category, Name, Menu, AddBelow, MenuText, Rename, Add, Remove, ResetAll, CommandValue, Context, Tab |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeMenuBar |
Context , Position, MenuType, MenuText, Menu, Add, Remove, Rename |
wdDialogToolsCustomizeMenus |
KeyCode , KeyCode2, MenuType, Position, AddAll, Category, Name, Menu, AddBelow, MenuText, Rename, Add, Remove, ResetAll, CommandValue, Context, Tab |
wdDialogToolsEnvelopesAndLabels |
ExtractAddress , LabelListIndex, LabelIndex, LabelDotMatrix, LabelTray, LabelAcross, LabelDown, EnvAddress, EnvOmitReturn, EnvReturn, PrintBarCode, SingleLabel, LabelRow, LabelColumn, PrintEnvLabel, AddToDocument, EnvWidth, EnvHeight, EnvPaperSize, PrintFIMA, UseEnvFeeder, Tab, AddrAutoText, AddrText, AddrFromLeft, AddrFromTop, RetAddrFromLeft, RetAddrFromTop, LabelTopMargin, LabelSideMargin, LabelVertPitch, LabelHorPitch, LabelHeight, LabelWidth, CustomName, RetAddrText, EnvPaperName, DefaultFaceUp, DefaultOrientation, RetAddrAutoText, VerticalEnvelope, VerticalLabel, RecipientNamefromLeft, RecipientNamefromTop, RecipientPostalfromLeft, RecipientPostalfromTop, SenderNamefromLeft, SenderNamefromTop, SenderPostalfromLeft, SenderPostalfromTop, PrintEPostage, PrintEPostageLabel |
wdDialogToolsGrammarSettings |
Options |
wdDialogToolsHangulHanjaConversion |
(none) |
wdDialogToolsHighlightChanges |
MarkRevisions , ViewRevisions, PrintRevisions, AcceptAll, RejectAll |
wdDialogToolsHyphenation |
AutoHyphenation , HyphenateCaps, HyphenationZone, LimitConsecutiveHyphens |
wdDialogToolsLanguage |
Language , CheckLanguage, Default, NoProof |
wdDialogToolsMacro |
Name , Run, Edit, Show, Delete, Rename, Description, NewName, SetDesc |
wdDialogToolsMacroRecord |
(This dialog box cannot be called from a macro.) |
wdDialogToolsManageFields |
FieldName , Add, Remove, Rename, NewName |
wdDialogToolsMergeDocuments |
Name |
wdDialogToolsOptions |
Tab |
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormat |
ApplyStylesLists , ApplyBulletedLists, ApplyStylesOtherParas, ReplaceQuotes, ReplaceOrdinals, ReplaceFractions, ReplaceSymbols, ReplacePlainTextEmphasis, ReplaceHyperlinks, PreserveStyles, PlainTextWordMail, ApplyFirstIndent, MatchParentheses, ReplaceDbDashes, ReplaceAutoSpaces |
wdDialogToolsOptionsAutoFormatAsYouType |
cmntrInWordMail , ApplyStylesHeadings, ApplyStylesHeadings, ApplyBorders, ApplyTables, ApplyDates, ApplyBulletedLists, ApplyNumberedLists, ApplyFirstIndent, ApplyClosings, ReplaceQuotes, ReplaceOrdinals, ReplaceFractions, ReplaceSymbols, ReplacePlainTextEmphasis, ReplaceHyperlinks, MatchParentheses, ReplaceAutoSpaces, ReplaceDbDashes, FormatListItemBeginning, TabIndent, DefineStyles, InsertOvers, InsertClosings, AutoLetterWizard, ShowOptionsFor, ApplyStylesLists, ApplySkipList, ApplyStylesOtherParas, ReplaceBullets, AdjustParaMarks, AdjustTabsSpaces, AdjustEmptyParas, PreserveStyles |
wdDialogToolsOptionsBidi |
DocViewDir , AddCtrlCopy, HebDoubleQuote, Numbers, Move, Sel, BiDirectional, ShowDiac, DiffDiacColor, Date, AdvanceHijri, MasterDocDir, OutlineDir, DiacriticColorVal, SequenceCheck, TypeNReplace |
wdDialogToolsOptionsCompatibility |
Product , Default, NoTabHangIndent, NoSpaceRaiseLower, PrintColBlack, WrapTrailSpaces, NoColumnBalance, ConvMailMergeEsc, SuppressSpBfAfterPgBrk, SuppressTopSpacing, OrigWordTableRules, TransparentMetafiles, ShowBreaksInFrames, SwapBordersFacingPages, LeaveBackslashAlone, ExpandShiftReturn, DontULTrailSpace, DontBalanceSbDbWidth, SuppressTopSpacingMac5, SpacingInWholePoints, PrintBodyTextBeforeHeader, NoLeading, NoSpaceForUL, MWSmallCaps, NoExtraLineSpacing, TruncateFontHeight, SubFontBySize, UsePrinterMetrics, WW6BorderRules, ExactOnTop, SuppressBottomSpacing, WPSpaceWidth, WPJustification, LineWrapLikeWord6, SpLayoutLikeWW8, FtnLayoutLikeWW8, DontUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing, DontAdjustLineHeightInTable, ForgetLastTabAlignment, UseAutospaceForFullWidthAlpha, AlignTablesRowByRow, LayoutRawTableWidth, LayoutTableRowsApart, UseWord97LineBreakingRules, DontBreakWrappedTables, DontSnapToGridInCell, DontAllowFieldEndSelect, ApplyBreakingRules, DontWrapTextWithPunct, DontUseAsianBreakRules, UseWord2002TableStyleRules, GrowAutofit |
wdDialogToolsOptionsEdit |
ReplaceSelection , DragAndDrop, AutoWordSelection, InsForPaste, Overtype, SmartCursoring, SmartCutPaste, AllowAccentedUppercase, PictureEditor, TabIndent, BsParaAlign, InlineConversion, IMELosingFocus, AllowClickAndTypeMouse, ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle, AutoKeyBi, PictureWrapType, SmartParaSelection, HypCtrlClickFollow, PasteRecovery, PromptUpdateStyle, FormatScanning, ShowFormatError |
wdDialogToolsOptionsEditCopyPaste |
SmartSentenceWordSpacing , SmartParaPaste, SmartTablePaste, SmartStylePaste, FormatPowerpointPaste, FormatExcelPaste, PasteMergeLists, CopyPasteDefaultOptions |
wdDialogToolsOptionsFileLocations |
Path , Setting |
wdDialogToolsOptionsFuzzy |
FuzzyCase , FuzzyByte, FuzzyHira, FuzzySmKana, FuzzyMinus, FuzzyRepSymbol, FuzzyKanji, FuzzyOldKana, FuzzyLongVowel, FuzzyDZ, FuzzyBV, FuzzyTC, FuzzyHF, FuzzyZJ, FuzzyAY, FuzzyKIKU, FuzzyPunct, FuzzySpace |
wdDialogToolsOptionsGeneral |
Pagination , WPHelp, WPDocNavKeys, BlueScreen, ErrorBeeps, Effects3d, UpdateLinks, SendMailAttach, RecentFiles, RecentFileCount, Units, ButtonFieldClicks, ShortMenuNames, RTFInClipboard, ConfirmConversions, TipWizardActive, AnimatedCursors, VirusProtection, SeparateFont, InterpretHIANSIToDBC, ExitWithRestoreSession, AsianText, PixelsInDialogs, UseCharacterUnit, BackgroundOpen, AutoCreateNewDrawings, AllowReadingMode |
wdDialogToolsOptionsPrint |
Draft , Reverse, UpdateFields, Summary, ShowCodes, Annotations, ShowHidden, EnvFeederInstalled, WidowControl, DfltTrueType, UpdateLinks, Background, DrawingObjects, FormsData, DefaultTray, PSOverText, MapPaperSize, FractionalWidths, PrOrder1, PrOrder2, PrintXmlTags, Backgrounds |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSave |
CreateBackup , FastSaves, SummaryPrompt, GlobalDotPrompt, NativePictureFormat, EmbedFonts, FormsData, AutoSave, SaveInterval, Password, WritePassword, RecommendReadOnly, SubsetFonts, BackgroundSave, DefaultSaveFormat, AddCtrlSave, DoNotEmbed, LocalNetworkFile, WordCompatibilityList, EmbedSmartTags, SmartTagXML, EmbedLinguisticData |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSecurity |
WarnMarkup , StoreRsid, ShowMarkupOpenSave |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSmartTag |
LabelSmartTags , ShowSmartTagOOUI |
wdDialogToolsOptionsSpellingAndGrammar |
AlwaysSuggest , SuggestFromMainDictOnly, IgnoreAllCaps, IgnoreMixedDigits, ResetIgnoreAll, Type, CustomDict1, CustomDict2, CustomDict3, CustomDict4, CustomDict5, CustomDict6, CustomDict7, CustomDict8, CustomDict9, CustomDict10, AutomaticSpellChecking, FilenamesEmailAliases, UserDict1, AutomaticGrammarChecking, ForegroundGrammar, ShowStatistics, Options, RecheckDocument, IgnoreAuxFind, IgnoreMissDictSearch, HideGrammarErrors, CheckSpelling, GrLidUI, SpLidUI, DictLang1, DictLang2, DictLang3, DictLang4, DictLang5, DictLang6, DictLang7, DictLang8, DictLang9, DictLang10, HideSpellingErrors, HebSpellStart, InitialAlefHamza, FinalYaa, GermanPostReformSpell, AraSpeller, ProcessCompoundNoun |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTrackChanges |
InsertedTextMark , InsertedTextColor, DeletedTextMark, DeletedTextColor, RevisedLinesMark, RevisedLinesColor, HighlightColor, RevisedPropertiesMark, RevisedPropertiesColor |
wdDialogToolsOptionsTypography |
KerningPairs , Justification, PunctLevel, FollowingPunct, LeadingPunct, ApplyToTemplate, JapaneseKinsokuStrict, FarEastLineBreakLanguage |
wdDialogToolsOptionsUserInfo |
Name , Initials, Address |
wdDialogToolsOptionsView |
DraftFont , WrapToWindow, PicturePlaceHolders, FieldCodes, BookMarks, FieldShading, StatusBar, HScroll, VScroll, StyleAreaWidth, Tabs, Spaces, Paras, Hyphens, Hidden, ShowAll, Drawings, Anchors, TextBoundaries, VRuler, Highlight, ShowAnimation, ScrnTp, LeftScroll, RRuler, OptionalBreak, EnlargeFontsLessThan, BrowseToWindow, PageBoundaries, WindowsInTaskbar, SmartTags, ShowAtStartup, Backgrounds |
wdDialogToolsProtectDocument |
DocumentPassword , NoReset, Type, UseDRM |
wdDialogToolsProtectSection |
Protect , Section |
wdDialogToolsRevisions |
MarkRevisions , ViewRevisions, PrintRevisions, AcceptAll, RejectAll |
wdDialogToolsSpellingAndGrammar |
SuggestionListBox , ForegroundGrammar |
wdDialogToolsTemplates |
Store , Template, LinkStyles |
wdDialogToolsThesaurus |
(none) |
wdDialogToolsUnprotectDocument |
DocumentPassword |
wdDialogToolsWordCount |
CountFootnotes , Pages, Words, Characters, DBCs, SBCs, CharactersIncludingSpaces, Paragraphs, Lines |
wdDialogTwoLinesInOne |
(none) |
wdDialogUpdateTOC |
(none) |
wdDialogViewZoom |
AutoFit , TwoPages, FullPage, NumColumns, NumRows, ZoomPercent, TextFit |
wdDialogWebOptions |
(none) |
wdDialogWindowActivate |
Window |