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CommandBar.Controls Property (Office)

Gets a CommandBarControls object that represents all the controls on a command bar. Read-only.


The use of CommandBars in some Microsoft Office applications has been superseded by the new ribbon component of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface. For more information, search Help for the keyword "ribbon."


expression .Controls

expression A variable that represents a CommandBar object.

Return Value



This example adds a combo box control to the command bar named "Custom" and fills the list with two items. The example also sets the number of line items, the width of the combo box, and an empty default for the combo box.

Set myControl = CommandBars("Custom").Controls _ 
    .Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Before:=1) 
With myControl 
    .AddItem Text:="First Item", Index:=1 
    .AddItem Text:="Second Item", Index:=2 
    .DropDownLines = 3 
    .DropDownWidth = 75 
    .ListHeaderCount = 0 
End With

See Also


CommandBar Object Members

CommandBar Object