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TimeScaleValue Object (Project)

Represents a timescaled data item. The TimeScaleValue object is a member of the TimeScaleValues collection.

Using the TimeScaleValue Object

Use TimeScaleValues(Index), where Index is the index number of the timescaled data item, to return a single TimeScaleValue object. The following example displays the number of hours of work per day for a resource during the first full week in October 2010.

Using the TimeScaleValues Collection

Use the TimeScaleData method to return a TimeScaleValues collection. The following example returns a TimeScaleValues collection for the amount of work done by the resource in the active cell between the specified dates, split into week-long portions.

Use the Add method to add a TimeScaleValue object to the TimeScaleValues collection. The following example adds 8 hours of work to Tuesday of that week.