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AdvancedPrintOptions Members (Publisher)

Represents the advanced print settings for a publication.





True to allow bleeds to print for the specified publication. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


Used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the current instance of Publisher. Used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object. When used with an OLE Automation object, it returns the object's application.


Gets or sets whether envelopes fed to the printer's manual feed should be inserted back-side first and face up. Read/write.


Returns or sets a PbPrintGraphics constant representing the resolution at which the inserted graphics are to be printed in the specified publication. Read/write.


True to print a horizontally mirrored image of the specified publication. The default is False. Read/write Boolean.


Returns or sets a PbInksToPrint constant that represents which inks to print as separate plates. Read/write.


Returns True if the active printer is a PostScript printer. Read-only Boolean.


Gets or sets the alignment (left, right, or center) of where envelopes are fed to the printer's manual feed. Read/write.


Gets or sets the orientation (landscape or portrait) of how envelopes are fed to the printer's manual feed. Read/write.


True to print a negative image of the specified publication. The default is False. Read/write Boolean.


Gets or sets whether the printed page is rotated 180 degrees. Read/write.


Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object. For example, for a TextFrame object, returns a Shape object representing the parent shape of the text frame. Read-only.


Returns a PrintablePlates collection. Read-only.


False to prevent printing plates when an ink is used within a document, but not on a specific page. For example, suppose a document contains red and black spot colors on first page, but the rest of the pages contain black only. If PrintBlankPlates is set to False, a red plate will be printed for the first page, but not for any of the following pages because they do not contain red. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


True to print bleed marks in the specified publication. The default is False. Read/write Boolean.


True to print a color bar for the specified publication. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


True to print crop marks for the specified publication. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


True to print a density bar for the specified publication. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


True to print information about the print job on each plate. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


True to print registration marks for the specified publication. The default is True. Read/write Boolean.


Returns or sets a String that represents the resolution, in dots per inch (dpi), at which to print the specified publication. Default is dependent on the printer driver, but is usually "(default)". Read/write.


Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to only use publication fonts for printing the specified publication. True to print the specified publication using only fonts downloaded from your computer. Read/write. The default is True.


True to print a vertically mirrored image of the specified publication. The default is False. Read/write Boolean.