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Attachment Object (Publisher)

Represents an attachment to a merged e-mail message.

Version Information

Version Added: Publisher 2007


An Attachment object corresponds to one of the attachments in the list of attachments in the Attachments box in the Merge to E-mail dialog box in the Microsoft Publisher user interface. (On the File menu, point to Send E-mail, click Send E-mail Merge, and then click Options.)

To remove the attachment from the merged e-mail, use the Delete method of the Attachment object.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the Add method to add an attachment to an e-mail merge message. It adds an Attachment object that represents a bitmap image to the Attachments collection of the active document.

Before running this macro, place a file named image.bmp in the root of the C drive on your computer, or change the name and file path of the file in the macro to specify the one you want to attach.

Note that to send an e-mail merge message, you must connect to a data source, create the e-mail merge, and then send the message. For more information, see the EmailMergeEnvelope object topic.

Public Sub Attachment_Example() 
 Dim pubAttachments As Publisher.Attachments 
 Dim pubAttachment As Publisher.Attachment 
 Dim pubMailMerge As Publisher.MailMerge 
 Dim pubEmailMergeEnvelope As Publisher.EmailMergeEnvelope 
 Set pubMailMerge = ThisDocument.MailMerge 
 Set pubEmailMergeEnvelope = pubMailMerge.EmailMergeEnvelope 
 Set pubAttachments = pubEmailMergeEnvelope.Attachemts 
 Set pubAttachment = pubAttachments.Add("C:\image.bmp") 
End Sub

See Also


Attachment Object Members