ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow Members
Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members
Contains the properties of one project in a ProjectDataTable row.
The ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CAL_NAME | Gets the name of the default enterprise base calendar for the project. | |
CAL_UID | Sets the GUID of the default enterprise base calendar when creating a project; gets the base calendar GUID after the project is created. | |
CREATED_DATE | Specifies the date and time when a project was created. | |
ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_TYPE_NAME | Gets the Project enterprise type name. Read-only. | |
ENTERPRISE_PROJECT_TYPE_UID | Gets or sets the GUID of the enterprise project type (EPT) used to create the project. | |
HasErrors | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[String, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
ItemArray | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
OPTIMIZER_DECISION | Gets the value that specifies the decision for a project in the Portfolio Analysis Cost Optimizer. | |
OPTIMIZER_FORCE_ALIAS_LT_VALUE_UID | Gets the lookup table value GUID that specifies why the project was forced in or out of its Portfolio Analysis Cost Optimizer solution. | |
OPTIMIZER_SOLUTION_UID | Gets or sets the GUID of the Portfolio Analysis Cost Optimizer solution the project belongs to. | |
PHASE_NAME | Gets the phase name of the current workflow. | |
PHASE_UID | Gets the GUID of the current workflow. | |
PLANNER_DECISION | Gets the value that specifies the decision taken for a project in the Portfolio Analysis Resource Planner. | |
PLANNER_END_DATE | Gets the finish date of a project that was determined in the Portfolio Analysis Resource Planner solution. | |
PLANNER_FORCE_ALIAS_LT_VALUE_UID | Gets the lookup table value GUID that specifies why a project was forced in or out of its Portfolio Analysis Resource Planner solution. | |
PLANNER_SOLUTION_UID | Gets the GUID of the Portfolio Analysis Resources Planner solution a project belongs to. | |
PLANNER_START_DATE | Gets the start date of a project that was determined in the Portfolio Analysis Resource Planner solution. | |
PROJ_CHECKOUTBY | Specifies the GUID of the user who last checked out the project. | |
PROJ_CHECKOUTDATE | Specifies the date and time when the project was last checked out. | |
PROJ_INFO_CURRENT_DATE | Specifies the current date for a project. | |
PROJ_INFO_FINISH_DATE | Specifies the project finish date for schedule-from-finish projects. | |
PROJ_INFO_SCHED_FROM | Indicates whether the project is scheduled from the project start date or the project finish date. | |
PROJ_INFO_START_DATE | Specifies the project start date for schedule-from-start (SFS) projects. | |
PROJ_INFO_STATUS_DATE | Specifies the project status date. | |
PROJ_LAST_SAVED | Specifies the date and time that the project was last saved. | |
PROJ_NAME | Specifies the name of the project. | |
PROJ_NEW_TASKS_ARE_MANUAL | Gets or sets the Boolean value that specifies whether new tasks are manually scheduled. | |
PROJ_OPT_CALC_ACT_COSTS | Specifies whether Project (client or server) calculates actual costs. | |
PROJ_OPT_CRITICAL_SLACK_LIMIT | Specifies the number of days that a task can go past its end date before Project marks that task as critical. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_CODE | Specifies the three-character code that defines the currency used in the project. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS | Specifies the number of digits that appear after the decimal in currency values. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION | Specifies the placement of the currency symbol in relation to the currency value. | |
PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL | Specifies the symbol that is used to represent the type of currency used in the project. | |
PROJ_OPT_DAYS_PER_MONTH | Specifies the default number of working days per month. | |
PROJ_OPT_DEF_FINISH_TIME | Specifies the finish time that Project Server uses when task start dates or finish dates omit the time component. | |
PROJ_OPT_DEF_FIX_COST_ACCRUAL | Specifies the default fixed cost accrual method to use on new tasks. | |
PROJ_OPT_DEF_OVT_RATE | Specifies the default overtime rate for local resources. | |
PROJ_OPT_DEF_START_TIME | Specifies the default start time for tasks. | |
PROJ_OPT_DEF_STD_RATE | Specifies the local resource standard rate. | |
PROJ_OPT_DEF_TASK_TYPE | Specifies the default type for tasks in the project. | |
PROJ_OPT_DUR_ENTRY_FMT | Specifies the default unit for time durations in the project. | |
PROJ_OPT_FY_START_MONTH | Specifies the number of the first month in the fiscal year. | |
PROJ_OPT_FY_USE_START_YR | Specifies whether to use the project start year for fiscal year numbering. | |
PROJ_OPT_HONOR_CONSTRAINTS | Specifies whether scheduling constraints take precedence over dependencies. | |
PROJ_OPT_MINUTES_PER_DAY | Specifies the default number of minutes per day. | |
PROJ_OPT_MINUTES_PER_WEEK | Specifies the default number of minutes per week. | |
PROJ_OPT_MOVE_ACTUAL_IF_LATER | Indicates whether to move the end date of completed parts forward to the status date, if the actual end date falls before the status date. | |
PROJ_OPT_MOVE_ACTUAL_TO_STATUS | Indicates whether to move the end date of completed parts back to the status date, if the actual end data falls after the status date. | |
PROJ_OPT_MOVE_REMAINING_IF_EARLIER | Indicates whether to move the start date of remaining parts forward to the status date, if the actual start date falls before the status date. | |
PROJ_OPT_MOVE_REMAINING_TO_STATUS | Indicates whether to move the start date of the remaining parts back to the status date, if the actual start date falls after the status date. | |
PROJ_OPT_MULT_CRITICAL_PATHS | Indicates whether to calculate multiple critical paths. | |
PROJ_OPT_NEW_TASK_EST | Indicates whether new tasks have estimated durations. | |
PROJ_OPT_NEW_TASKS_ARE_EFFORT_DRIVEN | Indicates whether new tasks are effort-driven. | |
PROJ_OPT_SHOW_EST_DUR | Indicates whether Project displays a question mark after an estimated duration for a task. | |
PROJ_OPT_SPLIT_IN_PROGRESS | Indicates whether to split tasks that are in progress. | |
PROJ_OPT_SPREAD_ACT_COSTS | Indicates whether actual costs are spread to the status date or to the stop date. | |
PROJ_OPT_SPREAD_PCT_COMP | Indicates whether percent complete is spread to the status date or to the task finish date. | |
PROJ_OPT_TASK_UPDATES_RES | Indicates whether Project Server automatically calculates actual and remaining work and costs. | |
PROJ_OPT_WEEK_START_DAY | Specifies the day of the week on which a work week starts. | |
PROJ_OPT_WORK_ENTRY_FMT | Specifies the default format for work duration. | |
PROJ_PROP_AUTHOR | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROP_CATEGORY | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROP_COMPANY | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROP_KEYWORDS | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROP_MANAGER | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROP_SUBJECT | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROP_TITLE | Specifies optional text for reporting purposes. | |
PROJ_PROTECTED_ACTUALS_SYNCH | Indicates whether the project actuals are synchronized with the protected actuals. | |
PROJ_SESSION_DESCRIPTION | Specifies the session description that was provided when the project was checked out. | |
PROJ_SESSION_UID | Specifies the GUID of the queue session for the project. | |
PROJ_STALE_FLAGS | Indicates which fields are not updated by Project Server scheduling. | |
PROJ_TYPE | Indicates the project type: regular, template, or proposal. | |
PROJ_UID | Specifies the project GUID. | |
PROJ_WINPROJ_VERSION_NUMBER | Gets the version of Project Professional that last saved the project. | |
ProjectOptionDefaultOvertimeRateFormat | Specifies the time unit for the default overtime rate that is stored by the PROJ_OPT_DEF_OVT_RATE property. | |
ProjectOptionDefaultStandardRateFormat | Specifies the time unit for the standard rate that is stored by the PROJ_OPT_DEF_STD_RATE property. | |
ProjectOwnerID | Specifies the GUID of the Project Server user who created the project. | |
RowError | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
RowState | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
SKIP_TO_STAGE_UID | Gets or sets the GUID of the workflow stage to skip to. | |
STAGE_NAME | Gets the name of the current workflow stage. | |
STAGE_UID | Gets the GUID of the current workflow stage. | |
Table | (Inherited from DataRow.) | |
WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_UID | Gets the GUID of the workflow instance the current project is running on. | |
WPROJ_DESCRIPTION | Specifies the project description | |
WPROJ_ISSUE_LIST_NAME | Specifies the GUID of the SharePoint issues list for this project. | |
WPROJ_LAST_PUB | Specifies the date and time of the most recent project publish operation. | |
WPROJ_RISK_LIST_NAME | Specifies the GUID of the SharePoint risks list for the project. | |
WPROJ_STS_SUBWEB_NAME | Specifies the SharePoint subsite name of the project site associated with the project. | |
WPROJ_TRACKING_METHOD | Indicates the default tracking method for all assignments in the project. | |
WSTS_SERVER_UID | Specifies the GUID of the SharePoint server that hosts the project site associated with the project. |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
GetValue<T> | Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.) |