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ThreeDFormat Methods

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Include Inherited Members

The ThreeDFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method IncrementRotationHorizontal Horizontally rotates a shape on the x-axis using the specified incrementation value.
Public method IncrementRotationVertical Vertically rotates a shape on the y-axis using the specified incrementation value.
Public method IncrementRotationX Changes the rotation of the specified shape around the x-axis by the specified number of degrees.
Public method IncrementRotationY Changes the rotation of the specified shape around the y-axis by the specified number of degrees.
Public method IncrementRotationZ Rotates a shape on the z-axis using the specified incrementation.
Public method ResetRotation Resets the extrusion rotation around the x-axis and the y-axis to 0 (zero) so that the front of the extrusion faces forward. This method doesn't reset the rotation around the z-axis.
Public method SetExtrusionDirection Sets the direction that the extrusion's sweep path takes away from the extruded shape.
Public method SetPresetCamera Sets the camera presets for a shape.
Public method SetThreeDFormat Sets the preset extrusion format. Each preset extrusion format contains a set of preset values for the various properties of the extrusion.


See Also


ThreeDFormat Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace