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Microsoft Office XP Smart Tag SDK 1.1 Errata Notice

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Siew-Moi Khor
Microsoft Corporation

October 2001

Applies to:
     Microsoft® Office XP

Summary: This article describes changes to the Microsoft Office XP Smart Tag SDK 1.1 documentation. (2 printed pages)

The Microsoft® Office XP Smart Tag SDK 1.1 was created in anticipation of smart tags being supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0. As smart tags support has been withdrawn from IE 6.0, please note the following:

  1. ApplicationName parameter (ISmartTagAction interface's InvokeVerb method):
    The ApplicationName parameter for IE 6.0 is the value "Ietag.ooc.1", similar to IE 5.0 and 5.5.
  2. Bit value to disable a smart tag DLL:
    The Status flag bit value to disable a smart tag DLL in IE 6.0 is 32 bit—the same as in IE 5.0 and 5.5.

Sections in the Smart Tag SDK 1.1 Affected

The following topics in the Smart Tag SDK 1.1 documentation have been affected by these changes:

  1. What's New in Smart Tag SDK v1.1 topic:
    Item 6, "Disabling Individual Smart Tag DLLs," is no longer applicable.

  2. Actions Designed for Particular Applications topic (under the Metric Conversion Sample Recognizer, Action, Word Macro and Excel Macro topic):
    It should now read as follows:

    If (ApplicationName = "Ietag.ooc.1") Then
        ISmartTagAction_VerbCaptionFromID = ""

    Setting the caption to either "" or Null prevents the action from being listed on the Smart Tag Action menu.

    The reason this action is disabled in Internet Explorer is that changing the text would have no permanent effect in a Web page—it could be changed using the Internet Explorer document object model, but the change would be temporary, unlike in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel where the change is permanent.

    Note   The **ApplicationName****parameter value is "Ietag.ooc.1" for Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0.

  3. Disabling Individual Smart Tag DLLs topic:Item iv below is no longer applicable:

    iv) Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 actually has two different bit settings: the first, 32 bit, controls Internet Explorer when it is hosted, and the second, 64 bit, controls the Internet Explorer browser application itself.

  4. How to Set the Status Flag (under the Disabling Individual Smart Tag DLLs topic):
    Items 8 through 19 are no longer applicable.

    Note   Modifying the Microsoft Windows registry in any manner, whether through the Registry Editor or programmatically, always carries some degree of risk. Incorrect modification can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. It is a good practice to always back up a computer's registry first before modifying it. If you are running Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 2000, you should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD). For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys and Values" Help topic in the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Information" topics in the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).