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MasterPartLink Property

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

When defined, the MasterPartLink property contains a URL pointing to the master version of the Web Part, or it can contain the primary key value of the master Web Part if the data store does not use HTTP references. If this property contains a value, then the dashboard factory follows this URL to obtain the master version of the Web Part and uses the non-user-specific properties of that instance. If the master Web Part has been modified more recently than the current instance, then the dashboard factory updates the non-user-specific properties of the current instance to match those of the master Web Part.

If the dashboard factory cannot access the master Web Part (if the Web Part is offline or if the server is unavailable), then the dashboard factory uses the property values of the current instance and continues processing the Web Part. The current instance functions as a cache of the master Web Part for offline and disconnected use.

**Note   **When a user copies a Web Part from one folder to another, this property retains its value and is not reset to the source of the copy. This makes sure the master Web Part is only one link away; all copies of a particular Web Part point to the same master Web Part unless you explicitly change the value for this property. If you edit this property to create a multi-link chain to the master Web Part, the dashboard factory follows those links.

Property Value
Data Type String (URL)
Default None
IsContentIndexed FALSE
IsIndexed FALSE
IsMultiValued FALSE
IsReadOnly FALSE
IsRequired FALSE
IsVisible TRUE
Version 1
TextFormat Plain text

See Also

Web Part Schema Properties | AutoUpdate Property