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Zone Property

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The Zone property specifies the zone in which the Web Part appears on the dashboard. Each zone has a corresponding number, which the following table describes:

Value in Schema Description
0 Body of the dashboard, which can be anywhere physically and is the default.
1 Left side of the dashboard.
2 Right side of the dashboard.
3 Center of the dashboard.
4 Header section of the dashboard.
5 Footer section of the dashboard.

This value indicates the location in which the designer wants the Web Part to be placed. The dashboard factory can adjust the actual placement of the Web Part based on other preferences the user defines. For example, the default value of 0 (body) means the Web Part designer wants the Web Part to appear in the main body area of the current layout. User settings for a dashboard layout can cause the main section to appear in different places. Similarly, there can be many sections that are considered the main body, which means the dashboard factory must resolve the exact placement of the Web Part on the dashboard.

Settings of 1, 2, or 3 (left, right, and center settings, respectively) indicate regions on the screen. Typically, the left and right side of any given layout is fixed in size, while the center section (or sections) is dynamic in size, using all available room. If the dashboard layout does not provide the section specified in Zone, the dashboard factory places the Web Part in another section that has similar layout characteristics. For example, in a two-column layout that has a left zone of fixed size and a center zone of variable size, the dashboard factory would place a Web Part whose Zone property is set to 2 (right) in the fixed left zone, because both left and right zones have a fixed width.

Settings of 4 or 5 (header and footer, respectively) specify a top or bottom location for the Web Part. If a layout does not have a specific header or footer section, the dashboard factory will place the Web Part in an alternate location that has similar characteristics. For example, if the layout does not include a header section, the dashboard factory will place a Web Part whose Zone property is set to 4 (header) before other Web Parts in the main body or center section.

Property Value
Data Type Long
Default 0
IsContentIndexed FALSE
IsIndexed FALSE
IsMultiValued FALSE
IsReadOnly FALSE
IsRequired FALSE
IsVisible TRUE
Version 1
TextFormat N/A

See Also

Web Part Schema Properties