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AddIns Collection Object

Aa158965.parchild(en-us,office.10).gifAddIns (AddIn)

A collection of AddIn objects that represent all the Microsoft PowerPoint-specific add-ins available to PowerPoint, regardless of whether or not they're loaded. This does not include Component Object Model (COM) add-ins.

Using the AddIns Collection

Use the AddIns method to return the AddIns collection. The following example displays the names of all the add-ins that are currently loaded in PowerPoint.

  For Each ad In AddIns
    If ad.Loaded Then MsgBox ad.Name

Use the Add method to add a PowerPoint-specific add-in to the list of those available. The Add method adds an add-in to the list but doesn't load the add-in. To load the add-in, set the Loaded property of the add-in to True after you use the Add method. You can perform these two actions in a single step, as shown in the following example (note that you use the name of the add-in, not its title, with the Add method).

  AddIns.Add("graphdrs.ppa").Loaded = True

Use AddIns(index), where index is the add-in's title or index number, to return a single AddIn object. The following example loads the hypothetical add-in titled "my ppt tools."

  AddIns("my ppt tools").Loaded = True

Don't confuse the add-in title with the add-in name, which is the file name of the add-in. You must spell the add-in title exactly as it's spelled in the Add-Ins dialog box, but the capitalization doesn't have to match.