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Building a Prototype

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For most Microsoft® Office XP applications, you are not required to build a full-fledged prototype — the application you are building can act as the prototype you show to your customers. When you begin building the application, however, it is useful to approach it as though it were a prototype, so you can demonstrate quickly to your customers how the application is going to work.

Map out a general user interface, but do not spend hours laying out controls and adding graphics if the user interface might have to be altered. Also, forego work on the fine details of navigation through the application, unless that is a critical part for your customers to see.

Build the core part of the application first. For example, if you are building a wizard, focus on the code that generates the basic result, rather than adding in the various options that users will be able to select to fine-tune the outcome. This way, you can determine whether you are on the right track for creating the application your customers must have. Also, when you have tackled the hard problems, you will have more insight into the way that the final application will work and a better understanding of your customers' business process.

Use sample data to test your initial design. Do not use live data or your customer's only copy of the data if your application might modify it. Create a local copy of the data that you can isolate until you have tested the application thoroughly.

See Also

The Design Process | What Do Your Customers Want? | What Do Your Customers Need? | At the Drawing Table