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SQL Server Workflow Properties Pages

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Many objects in a workflow project have properties, some of which can be edited in the Properties window and some of which are for information only. The following topics are intended to provide information to supplement the information provided by the Properties window.

In This Section

  • Solution Explorer
    The folders that are in the Solution Explorer show, in a hierarchical format, the objects that are used by each project.
  • Workflow Project Property Page
    The set of properties associated with a project in the Solution Explorer.
  • Main Table Properties
    The properties of tables that have been designated as main tables in the workflow application.
  • Detail Table Properties
    The properties of detail tables in a project, including BaseView, WorkFlowProcess, ParentTable, Relationship, ParentTableColumn, and CurrentTablecolumn.
  • Lookup Table Properties
    The properties of lookup tables in a project, including ParentTable, Relationship, ParentTableColumn, and CurrentTableColumn.
  • Workflow Designer
    The Workflow Designer consists of property pages and design panes that help you graphically define and design the core features of your workflow process.
  • Workflow Designer Window
    The Workflow Designer window is the interface for designing workflow processes for Microsoft® Exchange and Microsoft® SQL Server™.
  • Workflow Designer Design Surface
    The workflow design surface is used to do the layout and design of the workflow process.
  • Workflow Designer Script Editor
    The Script Editor has features that help simplify the process of writing and editing code.
  • SQL Server Workflow Projects
    When you create a new workflow project, you encounter a number of dialog boxes that collect information for your application. The project topics are intended to orient you and provide information to supplement the information provided on the dialog box.