EndPage property

EndPage property

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Specifies the end page number when you save a range of pages as a Web page.

          retLong = object.EndPage
object. EndPage = valLong


Long. The current end number of the range of pages that you specify to save as a Web page.


Required. An expression that returns a VisPageWebSettings object.


Required Long. The new end number of the range of pages that you specify to save as a Web page.


The start page number is specified in the StartPage property.

The EndPage property value corresponds to the value in the through control on the General tab of the Save As Web Page dialog box (on the File menu, click Save as Web Page, and then click Publish).


The following macro demonstrates saving a range of pages (2–3) in a drawing as a Web page rather than the complete drawing. The TabControl property is also set to True so that page tabs appear in the drawing.

  Public Sub saveAsWeb()
  Dim saveAsWeb As VisSaveAsWeb
  Dim webSettings As VisWebPageSettings
  Set saveAsWeb = New VisSaveAsWeb
  Set webSettings = saveAsWeb.WebPageSettings
     webSettings.StartPage = 2
     webSettings.EndPage = 3
     webSettings.TabControl = True
     webSettings.TargetPath = "c:\temp\orgchart.htm"
  End Sub