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AllowRemove Property

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The AllowRemove property controls whether a user can remove the Web Part from the dashboard. If you set this property to FALSE, users cannot remove the Web Part from the main dashboard view or any layout customization page.

**Note   **This property does not have an effect on the Microsoft® Exchange engine. A user with an Exchange client, such as CDO, can access the item and set the IsIncluded property to FALSE — even if you set AllowRemove to FALSE. Use engine-level Access Control Lists (ACLs) to prohibit users from modifying these properties using other access paths.

Property Value
Data Type Boolean
Default TRUE
IsContentIndexed FALSE
IsIndexed FALSE
IsMultiValued FALSE
IsReadOnly FALSE
IsRequired FALSE
IsVisible TRUE
Version 1
TextFormat N/A

See Also

Web Part Schema Properties | AllowMinimize Property