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OnReceive Event

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Triggered when an e-mail message that is sent by script is replied to by the recipient, regardless of the state.



  • To enable the workflow to respond to e-mail, you can add an OnReceive event to the state. The OnReceive event does not execute every time e-mail is received in the workflow-enabled folder. The OnReceive event is triggered only when you send an e-mail message through script and the recipient replies. When the reply reaches the folder, the OnReceive event is triggered.
  • Each state can have multiple OnReceive events.
  • If you have multiple OnReceive events on a state, adjust the event order, so the transitions are evaluated in the order appropriate for your workflow process. An OnReceive event that does not cause a state change always should be evaluated last.

See Also

Event Order | Exchange Workflow Reference | Event Types | ActionTable Property | OnCreate Event | OnChange Event | OnDelete Event | OnEnter Event | OnExit Event | OnExpiry Event