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ChBorder Object

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Represents the border of an object on a chart.

Using the ChBorder object

The following properties return a ChBorder object:

The ChChart object's Border property

The ChChartDraw object's Border property

The ChDataLabel object's Border property

The ChDataLabels object's Border property

The ChDropZone object's ButtonBorder property

The ChDropZone object's WatermarkBorder property

The ChLegend object's Border property

The ChPlotArea object's Border property

The ChPoint object's Border property

The ChSegmentBoundary object's Border property

The ChSeries object's Border property

The ChSurface object's Border property

The ChTitle object's Border property

Use the Color, DashStyle, and Weight properties to set the attributes of a border. The following example sets border properties for the legend of ChartSpace1.

  Sub Format_Chartspace_Legend()

    Dim ChartLegend
    Dim chConstants

    Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

    ' Set a variable to the legend for the chartspace.
    Set ChartLegend = ChartSpace1.ChartSpaceLegend

    ' Set the legend color.
    ChartLegend.Border.Color = "Blue"

    ' Set the line weight for the legend.
    ChartLegend.Border.Weight = chConstants.owcLineWeightThick

    ' Set the line style for the legend.
    ChartLegend.Border.DashStyle = chLineRoundDot

End Sub