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ChPoints Collection

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A collection of all the ChPoint objects in a data series. The number of data points in a series is limited only by the amount of system memory in the computer being used.

Using the ChPoints collection

The ChSeries object’s Points property returns a ChPoints collection.

Use Points(index), where index is the point index number, to return a single ChPoint object. Points are numbered from left to right on the series. Points(0) is the leftmost point, and Points(Points.Count - 1) is the rightmost point. The following example stores the value of the third point in the first data series of the first chart in Chartspace1 in a variable.

Sub GetPointValue()     Dim ptSeries1Points     Dim dblPointValue         ' Set a variable to the collection of points for the first     ' data serties in the first chart in Chartspace1.     Set ptSeries1Points = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).Points         ' Store the underlying value of the third data point in a variable.     dblPointValue = ptSeries1Points(2).GetValue(chDimValues) End Sub