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CrossingAxis Property

Returns or sets the crossing axis. If the specified axis is deleted, this property is set to Null, and the Crosses property is reset to chAxisCrossesAutomatic. Read/write ChAxis.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChAxis object.


This example sets the category axis to cross the value axis at value zero (0) in the chart workspace.

  Sub SetCrossingValue()
    Dim chConstants
    Dim axValueAxis
    Dim axCategoryAxis

    Set chtContants = ChartSpace1.Constants

    Set axValueAxis = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Axes(chConstants.chAxisPositionValue)
    Set axCategoryAxis = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Axes(chConstants.chAxisPositionCategory)

    axValueAxis.CrossingAxis = axCategoryAxis

    axCategoryAxis.CrossesAtValue = 0
End Sub