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Order of Workflow Events

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A state change is a transition from one state to another. In a workflow process, Change, Receive, and Expiry events can be used to create transitions.

States and transition are displayed on the workflow design surface, but the event order is not displayed.

To view the order

  1. Select the state on the workflow design surface.

  2. From the View menu, select Property Pages.

  3. In the Property Pages dialog box, select the Transitions tab.

    If you have more than one event for the state, the order can be adjusted by highlighting a transition and using the up and down arrows. Additional transitions also can be added on the Property Pages Transitions tab.

Whenever Change, Receive, or Expiry events are used, you have the following event order:

Action Causes State Change

Exit (current state) Þ Transition Action Þ Enter (next state)

When the action is not used to make a state change, the Enter action re-enters the current state.

Action Does Not Cause State Change

Exit (current state) Þ Transition Action Þ Enter (current state)

See Also

Choosing Workflow Events | Workflow Events | Workflow Processes | Workflow Scripting