LongFileNames property

LongFileNames property

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Specifies whether Save as Web Page can use long names when saving files.

          retLong = object.LongFileNames
object. LongFileNames = valLong


Long. Non-zero (True) indicates that Save As Web Page can use long file names; otherwise zero (False). The default is True.


Required. An expression that returns a VisPageWebSettings object.


Required Long. Non-zero (True) to enable Save As Web Page to use long file names; otherwise, zero (False).


If the LongFileNames property is True, Save as Web Page uses long file names, which are typically more recognizable and easier to work with. If the operating system does not allow long names, the LongFileNames property returns an error.

If the LongFileNames property is False, supporting files have only the first character of the root .htm file as part of their name and can be difficult to identify if stored as flat files.

For information about storing files, see the StoreInFolder property.

This value corresponds to the Use long file names whenever possible check box on the Files tab of the Save As Web Page dialog box (on the File menu, click Save As Web Page, and then click Publish).