SecFormat property

SecFormat property

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Specifies the secondary output format for the Web page.

          retStr = object.SecFormat
object. SecFormat = valStr


String. The secondary output format for the Web page. The default is GIF.


Required. An expression that returns a VisPageWebSettings object.


Required String. The new secondary output format for the Web page.


The secondary output format is used if the browser does not support the primary output format. For example, if the primary format is VML and you are publishing to a Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 browser, which does not support VML, the Web page output uses the secondary format.

The primary format is contained in the PriFormat property. For information about browser compatibility with selected formats, see the AltFormat property.

This value corresponds to the value selected in the control below the Provide alternate format for older browsers check box (if it is selected) in the Format Options dialog box (on the File menu, click Save as Web Page, click Publish, and then click Format Options).


The following macro demonstrates setting a secondary format value to JPG for browsers that do not support the primary format of VML (the default).

  Public Sub saveAsWeb()
  Dim saveAsWeb As VisSaveAsWeb
  Dim webSettings As VisWebPageSettings
  Set saveAsWeb = New VisSaveAsWeb
  Set webSettings = saveAsWeb.WebPageSettings
     webSettings.AltFormat = True
     webSettings.SecFormat = "jpg"
     webSettings.TargetPath = "c:\temp\myFile.htm"
  End Sub