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AllowDeletingRows Property

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Returns True if the deletion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet. Read-only Boolean.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Protection object.


The AllowDeletingRows property can be set by using the Protect method arguments.

The rows containing the cells to be deleted must be unlocked when the sheet is protected.


This example unlocks row 1 then allows the user to delete row 1 on the protected worksheet and notifies the user.

  Sub ProtectionOptions()


    'Unlock row 1.
    Rows("1:1").Locked = False

    ' Allow row 1 to be deleted on a protected worksheet.
    If ActiveSheet.Protection.AllowDeletingRows = False Then
        ActiveSheet.Protect AllowDeletingRows:=True
    End If

    MsgBox "Row 1 can be deleted on this protected worksheet."

End Sub