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HebrewModes Property

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XlHebrewModes can be one of these XlHebrewModes constants.
xlHebrewFullScript (default) The conventional script type as required by the Hebrew Language Academy when writing non-diacritisized text.
xlHebrewMixedAuthorizedScript  The Hebrew traditional script.
xlHebrewMixedScript  In this mode the speller accepts any word recognized as Hebrew, whether in Full Script, Partial Script, or any non-conventional spelling variation that is known to the speller.
xlHebrewPartialScript  In this mode the speller accepts words both in Full Script and Partial Script. Some words will be flagged since this spelling is not authorized in either Full script or Partial script.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


A legitimate Hebrew word can be a basic dictionary entry or any inflection.


In this example, Microsoft Excel determines the setting for the Hebrew spelling mode and notifies the user.

  Sub CheckHebrewMode()

    ' Determine the Hebrew spelling mode setting and notify user.
    Select Case Application.SpellingOptions.HebrewModes
        Case xlHebrewFullScript
            MsgBox "The Hebrew spelling mode setting is Full Script."
        Case xlHebrewMixedAuthorizedScript
            MsgBox "The Hebrew spelling mode setting is Mixed Authorized Script."
        Case xlHebrewMixedScript
            MsgBox "The Hebrew spelling mode setting is Mixed Script."
        Case xlHebrewPartialScript
            MsgBox "The Hebrew spelling mode setting is Partial Script."
    End Select

End Sub