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ModHFGrid Error Constants

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

These constants will be returned when the following known errors occur.

Constant Value Description
flexerrBadBandColIndex 30020 The specified band column index is invalid.
flexerrBadBandNumber 30019 The specified band number is invalid.
flexerrBadValue 380 The specified property value is invalid.
flexerrClipInvalidFormat 461 The specified format does not match the data format.
flexerrDataNotSetForFormat 676 The requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
flexerrDataObjectLocked 672 The DataObject format list cannot be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
flexerrExpectedAnArgument 673 At least one argument was expected.
flexerrFORMATSTRING 30018 Specify the row or column string to be formatted.
flexerrGetNotSupported 394 The specified property is not available.
flexerrHROWsNotReleased 30023 Unable to access the data. The DataSource property settings might be incorrect, or the DataSource functionality might be limited.
flexerrIllegalFunctionCall 5 The specified procedure call is invalid.
flexerrNotAvailableWithBandedData 30021 The specified command is not available when bound to hierarchical data.
flexerrObjIllegalUse 425 The object use is invalid.
flexerrOutOfMemory 7 The system is running low on memory. Close any additional applications to free memory for your application.
flexerrRecursiveOLEDrag 674 Illegal recursive invocation of the OLE drag-and-drop feature.
flexerrSetNotPermitted 387 The specified setting is not permitted.
flexerrSubscript 381 The specified subscript is out of the allowable range.
flexerrUnknownBinding 30022 The ModHFGrid does not support the requested type of data binding.
flexerrUnknownError 600 An error has occurred while performing the operation.
flexerrUserFormatNotBinArray 675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag-and-drop formats used with the SetData property require Byte array data. The GetData property might return more bytes than were provided to SetData.
flexerrVB30000 30000 Cannot perform a RemoveItem on a fixed row.
flexerrVB30001 30002 Cannot perform an AddItem on a fixed row.
flexerrVB30002 30004 The ModHFGrid does not contain the specified row.
flexerrVB30004 30005 The column number specified for alignment is invalid.
flexerrVB30005 30005 The specified alignment value is invalid.
flexerrVB30006 30006 Unable to allocate memory for the ModHFGrid.
flexerrVB30008 30008 The specified picture type is invalid.
flexerrVB30009 30009 The specified row value is invalid.
flexerrVB30010 30010 The specified column value is invalid.
flexerrVB30011 30011 Unable to register the memory manager.
flexerrVB30013 30013 The specified row height value is invalid.
flexerrVB30014 30014 The specified column width value is invalid.
flexerrVB30015 30015 The last non-fixed row cannot be removed.
flexerrVB30016 30016 The specified FixedRows value must be at least one fewer than the Rows value.
flexerrVB30017 30017 The specified FixedCols value must be at least one fewer than the Cols value.

See Also

Calling a Stored Procedure | ModHFGrid Control | ModHFGrid Control Constants | Stored Procedures