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AddCallout Method

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AddCallout method as it applies to the CanvasShapes object.

Adds a borderless line callout to a drawing canvas. Returns a Shape object that represents the callout and adds it to the CanvasShapes collection.

expression.AddCallout(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a CanvasShapes object.


MsoCalloutType can be one of these MsoCalloutType constants.
msoCalloutOne  Positions callout line straight down along the left edge of the callout's bounding box.
msoCalloutTwo  Positions callout line diagonally down and away from the left edge of the callout's bounding box.
msoCalloutThree  Positions callout line straight out and then diagonally down and away from the left edge of the callout's bounding box.
msoCalloutFour  Positions callout line along the left edge of the callout's bounding box.
msoCalloutMixed  A return value indicating that more than one MsoCalloutType exists in a range or selection.

Left  Required Single. The position, in points, of the left edge of the callout's bounding box.

Top  Required Single. The position, in points, of the top edge of the callout's bounding box.

Width  Required Single. The width, in points, of the callout's bounding box.

*Height * Required Single. The height, in points, of the callout's bounding box.

AddCallout method as it applies to the Shapes object.

Adds a borderless line callout to a document. Returns a Shape object that represents the callout and adds it to the Shapes collection.

expression.AddCallout(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height, Anchor)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a Shapes object.


MsoCalloutType can be one of these MsoCalloutType constants.
msoCalloutOne  Positions callout line straight down along the left edge of the callout box.
msoCalloutTwo  Positions callout line diagonally down and away from the left edge of the callout box.
msoCalloutThree  Positions callout line straight out and then diagonally down and away from the left edge of the callout box.
msoCalloutFour  Positions callout line along the left edge of the callout text box.
msoCalloutMixed   A return value indicating that more than one MsoCalloutType exists in a range or selection.

Left  Required Single. The position, in points, of the left edge of the callout's bounding box.

Top  Required Single. The position, in points, of the top edge of the callout's bounding box.

Width  Required Single. The width, in points, of the callout's bounding box.

*Height * Required Single. The height, in points, of the callout's bounding box.

Anchor  Optional Variant. A Range object that represents the text to which the callout is bound. If Anchor is specified, the anchor is positioned at the beginning of the first paragraph in the anchoring range. If this argument is omitted, the anchoring range is selected automatically and the callout is positioned relative to the top and left edges of the page.


You can insert a greater variety of callouts, such as balloons and clouds, using the AddShape method.


As it applies to the CanvasShapes object. 

This example adds a callout to a newly created drawing canvas.

  Sub NewCanvasCallout()
    Dim shpCanvas As Shape

    'Add drawing canvas to the active document
    Set shpCanvas = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddCanvas _
        (Left:=150, Top:=150, Width:=200, Height:=300)

    'Add callout to the drawing canvas
    shpCanvas.CanvasItems.AddCallout _
        Type:=msoCalloutTwo, Left:=100, _
        Top:=40, Width:=150, Height:=75
End Sub

As it applies to the Shapes object.

This example adds a callout to the current document and then sets the callout angle.

  Sub NewCallout()
    Dim shpCallout As Shape

    'Add callout to the current document
    Set shpCallout = ThisDocument.Shapes.AddCallout( _
        Type:=msoCalloutTwo, Left:=InchesToPoints(1.25), _
        Top:=36, Width:=100, Height:=25)

    'Add text to the callout
    shpCallout.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "This is a Callout."

    'Format the angle of the callout line to 30 degrees
    shpCallout.Callout.Angle = msoCalloutAngle30
End Sub