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EffectInformation Object

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Represents various animation options for an Effect object.

Using the EffectInformation object

Use the members of the EffectInformation object to return the current state of an Effect object, such as the after effect, whether the background animates along with its corresponding text, whether text animates in reverse, play settings, sound effects, text building behavior, and so on. All of the members of the EffectInformation object are read-only. To change any effect information properties, you must use the methods of the corresponding Sequence object.

Use the EffectInformation property of the Effect object to return an EffectInformation object. The following example sets the HideWhileNotPlaying property for the play settings in the main animation sequence.

  Sub HideEffect()
    ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange(1).TimeLine _
        .MainSequence(1).EffectInformation.PlaySettings _
        .HideWhileNotPlaying = msoTrue
End Sub