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MarkForDownload Property

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OlRemoteStatus can be one of these OlRemoteStatus constants.
olMarkedForCopy The item will be copied to the remote site.
olMarkedForDelete The item will be deleted.
olMarkedForDownload The item will be downloaded in its entirety.
olRemoteStatusNone The item has no remote status.
olUnMarked The item isn't marked for remote status and will be disregarded.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following subroutine sets the MarkForDownload property of all e-mail items sent by a specified user to olMarkedForDownload. All items from the specified user will then be downloaded in their entirety.

  Sub RemoteUse(ByVal strSender As String, ByRef objMail As MailItem)
'Marks all items from a certain user to be downloaded

    With objMail
        'If mail is from the sender, mark it for download
        If .SenderName = strSender Then
            .MarkForDownload = olMarkedForDownload
        End If
    End With

End Sub